Reduction of microbial populations to meet a health standard.
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Which control is heat?
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What are the three types of microorganism control?
Physical Chemical & Antibiotic
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What wavelength of UV is used for normal radiation?
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Which DNA base becomes a dimer when impacted by radiation?
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Is normal radiation penetrating or non-penetrating?
Not penetrating - radiation does not go through plastic/paper
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Is gamma radiation penetrating or non-penetrating?
Penetrating - radiation will go through any plastic/paper (packaged goods, food, medical supplies)
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What is the usual size of a pore in filtration of microorganisms?
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What are the chemical controls of microorganisms?
Sterilant, disinfectants, antiseptics
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What are the physical controls of microorganisms?
Heat, radiation & filtration
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Which radiation is this describing?
Acts on DNA
DNA base covalently joined (dimer) impending replication
Needs to be enough radiation to swamp repair enzymes, so cells will die
UV radiation
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What type of radiation is this describing?
Generates free radicals (e-, OH and H) therefore highly reactive
Reacts will cellular constituents
Death from effects on DNA breakdown
Gamma radiation
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What is an example(s) of a sterilant?
Ethylene Oxide
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What is an example(s) of a disinfectant?
Alcohols, Halogens, Phenols
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What factor of survival is this describing?
Changes the osmotic environment
Works by dehydration of the environment
Rupture of cells due to osmotic shock
Interfere with cellular enzymes
Limit oxygen solubility
Expend energy removing sodium ions
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What factor of survival is this describing?
The proton motive force responsible in cellular respiration depends on the concentration gradient of H+ across the plasma membrane
Proteins are the most affected molecule
Many enzymes from alkaliphiles have a h
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What is a substance used to protect biological tissue from freezing damage (i.e. that due to ice formation)
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