Food Allergy Definitions

  • Created by: hebo
  • Created on: 20-04-17 12:40
Hypersensitivity reaction initiated by antibody-mediated or cell-mediated immunological mechanisms but not defined on the basis of an increased level of IgE
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Objectively reproducible symptoms or signs initiated by exposure to a defined stimulus or dose which is tolerated by a normal person.
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Molecule that induces IgE mediated immunity in humans.
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Major Allergen
>50% patients recognise
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Class 1 allergen
Stable to heat, acid, proteases, causing symptoms related to primary sensitisation
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Class 2 allergen
Not stable and causes symptoms due to cross reactivity
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Part of the allergen's amino acid sequence recognised by the antibody; can be linear or conformational
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IgE mediated
Used when the antibody involved is part of the IgE isotope
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Non-IgE mediated
Mediated by allergen-specific lymphocytes, as in allergic contact dermatitis, or antibodies of the IgE isotope
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Non-Allergic Hypersensitivity
Involves other proteins and is reproducible
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e.g Birch pollen and apple. Antibodies produced by one allergen may bind with a structurally similar/homologous epitope from another allergen
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Card 2


Objectively reproducible symptoms or signs initiated by exposure to a defined stimulus or dose which is tolerated by a normal person.



Card 3


Molecule that induces IgE mediated immunity in humans.


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Card 4


>50% patients recognise


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Card 5


Stable to heat, acid, proteases, causing symptoms related to primary sensitisation


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