Food and Nutrition 0.0 / 5 ? Home Economics: Food & NutritionMacronutritionsGCSEAQA Created by: yhhhjhjgjCreated on: 20-05-18 16:03 When you combine LBVs to form a HBV Protein Complementation 1 of 18 There are approximatly 20 of these in animal and plant foods Amino Acids 2 of 18 Protein Deficiency Kwashiorkor 3 of 18 Long lasting energy fuel Starch 4 of 18 Short, quick energy fuel Sugar 5 of 18 The process of which veg oils are "hardened" to make them solid at room temp Hydrgenation 6 of 18 When the fat goes through hydrogenation Trans fat 7 of 18 A fatty substance found in blood Cholesterol 8 of 18 3 antioxidant vitamins make up this word ACE 9 of 18 Needed to help maintain bone health and makes blood clot Vitamin K 10 of 18 Helps make skin healthier and protects the body Vitamin A 11 of 18 Helps the body release energy and keeps the skin, eyes and nervous system healthy Vitamin B2 12 of 18 Reduces the risk of nervous defects in unborn babies and works with VB12 Folic Acid 13 of 18 Develops and maintain bones and teeth, helps absorb calcium Vitamin D 14 of 18 Makes red blood cells, and maintains nerve cells Vitamin B12 15 of 18 Helps form red blood cells, found in nuts Vitamin E 16 of 18 Works with other B groups and helps the nervous system work Vitamin B1 17 of 18 Helps absorb iron and makes and maintains healthy connective tissues Vitamin C 18 of 18
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