Food Preparation and Nutrition 5.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? Home Economics: Food & NutritionFood ScienceGCSEAQA Created by: anikalowmanCreated on: 02-03-18 14:23 What is the transfer of heat energy through the vibration of particles? Conduction 1 of 36 What are good conductors of heat? Metals 2 of 36 What is the transfer of energy through fluids? Convection 3 of 36 What is the transfer of heat energy through waves of radiation? Radiation 4 of 36 What is a water-based way of cooking food in a pan of boiling liquid? Boiling 5 of 36 What is a water-based way of cooking food with steam from boiling water? Steaming 6 of 36 Which is healthier: steaming or boiling? Steaming 7 of 36 What involves part-cooking in boiling water and then putting it in cold water? Blanching 8 of 36 What is similar to boiling, but at a slightly lower temperature and thus more gentle? Simmering 9 of 36 What involves cooking food in a pan of liquid at around 80 degrees Celsius? Poaching 10 of 36 What involves slowly cooking in an overproof pot with a lid and liquid? Braising 11 of 36 What is a fat-based method of cooking and done in a wok with a small amount of oil? Stir-frying 12 of 36 What fat-based method uses a frying pan and a medium amount of oil? Shallow Frying 13 of 36 What uses dry heat to cook, usually in an oven? Baking 14 of 36 What uses dry heat at a higher temperature to cook food? Grilling 15 of 36 What uses dry heat, in an oven, but has fat added? Roasting 16 of 36 What method of cooking is in a pan without extra fat or oil, but has some come from the foods themselves? Dry-frying 17 of 36 What happens to proteins as food is cooked, meaning that the chemical bonds inside them break down? Denaturation 18 of 36 What is the name for the process when protein molecules collide and join? Coagulation 19 of 36 What is formed when gases are trapped in a liquid, as the proteins coagulate? Foam 20 of 36 What is kneaded in doughs which give it its airy texture? Gluten 21 of 36 What is the name for the absorption of water into starch molecules, which then bursts and thickens the liquid? Gelatinisation 22 of 36 What is the name for what a viscous liquid solidifying into? Gel 23 of 36 Between 62 and 80 degrees Celsius, do the starch granules absorb water or burst? Burst 24 of 36 What happens when starch molecules break down when cooked with dry heat? Dextrinisation 25 of 36 What is the name for the process where sugar molecules break down and turn brown and change flavour? Caramelisation 26 of 36 What is the process where fats incorporate air whilst beaten? Aeration 27 of 36 When you coat flour particles with fat producing a crumbly texture, what is this called? Shortening 28 of 36 What is the name for the ability to be spread and shaped, which fats have? Plasticity 29 of 36 What is for when oil and water are mixed together? Emulsion 30 of 36 What is a natural emulsifier in egg yolks? Lecithin 31 of 36 True or False: emulsions can only be water-in oil, not oil-in water. False 32 of 36 What are often used as sauces or salad dressings? Emulsions 33 of 36 True or False: bicarbonate of soda (chemical raising agent) and yeast (biological raising agent) form carbon dioxide to help rise. True 34 of 36 When you cook a mixture that has a lot of liquid in, what is the raising agent? Steam 35 of 36 Can we add air through mechanical methods like beating, whisking, sieving and folding? Yes 36 of 36
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