Food Revision
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- Created by: eiraphillips
- Created on: 23-03-16 11:03
Gelling agent - gelatinisation
When moisture is added to starch grangules and heat is applied: starch absorbs the liquid and swells. It breaks open at 80, making the mixture thick and viscous. Gelatinisation is complete at 100 and it forms a gel.
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Thicking agent - suspension
Starch and liquid are mixed together and the starch particles form a suspension. Heat is applied and gelatinisation occurs.
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Modified starch
Used to thicken instant desserts, whipped cream and packet soups. Usually a liquid is added to the starch and it is stirred or whisked.
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When protein is heated and it coagulates and squeezes out the fat and water.
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Why does yeast help dough rise?
Ferments the sugar to produce carbon dioxide. The gluten stretches to hold this.
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In cakes where egg whites trap air when beaten, because the protein stretches.
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What are the six main types of fats and oils?
Butter, margarine, lard, suet, oils, low fat spreads.
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What do fats contain?
Vitamin a,d,e,k, energy and fatty acids
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What can high cholesterol cause?
Heart disease, heart attacks, strokes
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Vitamin A
From liver, butter, fish oils, eggs. Needed for good eyesight, the growth and function of tissues.
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Vitamin B
Found in liver, cereals, kidney, peas, pulses, dairy, meat and fish. For the nervous system and release of energy.
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Vitamin C
Found in citrus fruits, green vegetables, pepper, potatoes. For protecting the body from infection, absorbtion of calcium and iron and keeping blood vessels healthy.
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Vitamin D
Found in oily fish, eggs, sunlight. For the body to absorb calcium.
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Found in milk, tofu, salmon, green leafy veges, white bread. For strong teeth and bones.
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Found in dark green veges and meat. To form part of the haemoglobin.
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Give three exaples of natural preservatives:
Vingar to pickle, salt to cure meat and sugar in jam.
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Name a natural and artificial colour:
Caramel (natural) and tartrazine (yellow, artificial)
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Name 3 natural flavourings:
Herbs, spices, vanilla, MSG (flavour enhancer)
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Name 3 artificial flavourings:
Saccharin (sweetner), vanillin solution
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Advantages of standard components:
Saves time, saves money, less machinery, fewer specialist skills, more hygenic, consistent.
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Disadvantages of standard components:
Can't pick, not reliable, not as tasty, extra storage space, extra packaging and transport.
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CAM advantages
fewer staff = lower production costs. More accurate, quicker, more consitent, more hygenic and safer.
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How can you make a consistent product?
Accurate electronic scales, standard moulds, standard components, same cooking times and temperatures.
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What is biological contamination?
Contamination by bacteria.
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What safety and hygeine steps should you follow when buying food?
Buy from a reputable supplier, take note of the use by date, check the packaging isn't damaged.
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What is the danger zone?
5 to 63 - bateria grow quickly.
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Why is vingegar a good preservative?
Too acidic for bacteria to grow.
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What are the three other methods of preservation?
Drying, irridation, MAP and vacuum packaging.
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What is a hopper and a centrifuge?
Hopper - holding container which feeds in the correct ingredient amounts. Centrifuge - seperates liquid from solid parts.
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What are farm assured foods?
Red tractor symbol says that the producers meet standards of food safety, hygiene, animal welfare and environmental protection.
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What three things must a label say?
Name, storage instructions, weight or volume, manufacturer name and address.
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What can nanotechnology packaging do?
Make food last longer, 'smart packaging' (change the food properties depending on the conditions).
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Thicking agent - suspension
Starch and liquid are mixed together and the starch particles form a suspension. Heat is applied and gelatinisation occurs.
Card 3
Modified starch

Card 4

Card 5
Why does yeast help dough rise?

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