food tech

  • Created by: 09hangil
  • Created on: 19-03-14 17:43
Physical contamination
can occur at any time of production. Includes pieces of metal or plastic entering the food, or things that were supposed to have been removed e.g. pips, stones, stalks etc. Pests can also contaminate food with droppings.
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Chemical Contamination
Includes metal residues, pesticides, cleaning materials. Careless use of chemicals leads to food contamination. Farmers which use pesticides put chemicals in the food.
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Micro-organism Contamination
Food changes during storage. This process can affect the colour, flavour, texture and appearance of food - mostly colour changes are harmless. Changes caused by micro-organisms and enzymes.
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Moulds are tiny plants or fungi which grow on the surface of food. Produce spores which travel in the air. Prefer warm moist conditions. Can be used for good e.g. cheese such as stilton.
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Do not cause food poisoning but can cause food spoilage. Found naturally in environment, and require warm moist conditions to reproduce. Yeasts are essential for the production of bread, wine and beer.
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Card 2


Includes metal residues, pesticides, cleaning materials. Careless use of chemicals leads to food contamination. Farmers which use pesticides put chemicals in the food.


Chemical Contamination

Card 3


Food changes during storage. This process can affect the colour, flavour, texture and appearance of food - mostly colour changes are harmless. Changes caused by micro-organisms and enzymes.


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Card 4


Moulds are tiny plants or fungi which grow on the surface of food. Produce spores which travel in the air. Prefer warm moist conditions. Can be used for good e.g. cheese such as stilton.


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Card 5


Do not cause food poisoning but can cause food spoilage. Found naturally in environment, and require warm moist conditions to reproduce. Yeasts are essential for the production of bread, wine and beer.


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