Food Tech glossary, KEY WORDS 0.0 / 5 ? Home Economics: Food & NutritionGCSEWJEC Created by: YasminCreated on: 30-04-13 10:42 What are the 6R's? Recycle, Reuse, Rethink, Repair, Refuse, Reduce 1 of 8 Defination of amino acids? Proteins are made of amino acids 2 of 8 Defination of Caramelisation? When sugar is heated and forms a sweet tasting, brownish liquid. 3 of 8 Defination of Conduction? The transfer of energy through solids. 4 of 8 Defination of dormant? Inactive a bit like a deep sleep- bacteria become dormant in frozen food. 5 of 8 Defination of emulsion? A mixture of oily and watery liquids. eg salad dressings. 6 of 8 Defination of Food Miles? The distance a product travels from where it travels to where its sold. 7 of 8 Defination of glazing? Adding a coating to give a product a shiny, glossy appearance? 8 of 8
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