Force and Extenstion Edexcel AS physics Revision guide. 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? PhysicsForcesASEdexcel Created by: Harry BarlowCreated on: 01-12-12 19:05 What is Hookes Law? Force is Proportional to Extention: F = kΔx 1 of 14 The constant k, is known as.. the spring constant or stiffness. 2 of 14 what are the units for stiffness or spring constant? Nm-1 3 of 14 This applies for springs between a range of forces. Does this apply for springs when compressed (assuming the coils aren't toughing at the start. Yes 4 of 14 A few definitions: brittle materials... break with little or no plastic deformation 5 of 14 malleable materials... can be beaten into sheets; these materials show a large plastic deformation under compression 6 of 14 ductile materials... can be pulled into wires or threads; these materials show plastic deformation before failiure under tension 7 of 14 hard materials... resist plastic deformation by surface indentation or scratching 8 of 14 tough materials... materials can withstand impact forces and absorb a lot of energy before breaking; large forces produce a moderate deformation. 9 of 14 What is the limit of proportionality? The point after which extension is no longer proportional to force 10 of 14 What is the elastic limit? the point after which greater forces produces some permanent deformation. 11 of 14 This is known as the... Plastic region 12 of 14 What is the term used to describe the energy stored in the spring when it is being stretched? Elastic Strain Energy 13 of 14 Elastic Strain energy can be found be finding the area under a graph. What is the equation that can also be used to find Elastic Strain Energy? Eel = ½mv² 14 of 14
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