Forces - Module 4
- Created by: Tori Sumner
- Created on: 27-11-15 14:06
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2. The force trying to push rocks together, the earths crust will be shortened.
- Shear forces
- Compressional forces
- Tensional forces
- Stress
3. A computer imaging technique, based on seismic wave velocities.
- Seisogram
- Geochemistry
- Seismic Tomography
- Seisometer
4. The force trying to pull rocks apart, the earths crust will become lengthened.
- Tensional forces
- Strain
- Shear forces
- Compressional forces
5. A weak and plastic rock that tends to fold.
- Incompetent rocks
- Competent rocks
- Ooliths
- Bedding plane
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