Strained as England was surrounded by France and Scotland who had the Auld Alliance.
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1541, what meeting failed?
The meeting between Henry and James V of Scotland. Henry went to York, but James never turned up. Angering Henry, so he plotted revenge.
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What else happened in 1541?
End of the Franco-Habsburg alliance, so in 1542 Henry and Charles arranged to attack France the following summer of 1543.
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When did Henry attack Scotland?
October 1542. Duke of Norfolk led.
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When was the Battle of Solway Moss?
23rd November 1542.
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Who won the Battle of Solway Moss?
Decisive victory for the English. 18,000 against roughly 3,000. James V died two weeks after.
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Who succeeded James V?
Mary Queen of Scots.
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Why did Henry delay the French campaign for a year?
The door was open for Henry to gain clear and permanent control of Scotland
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Why was the Scotland plan a failure?
Was a lot of money spent on the wars of Scotland which led to the debasement of coins. Secondly, the Scottish hated the English so they completely resisted any change.
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Why did the attack on France in 1544 fail?
Henry and his army lacked deicisiveness, so they lacked speed. Also the age of Hernry and the Dukes- Norfolk and Somerset- limited them.
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Why was success also unlikely initially?
Because there was a lack of trust between Charles and Henry.
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Norfolk unsuccessfully besieged Montreuil, but what did Henry capture?
Bolougne in September 1544, the same day (18th) that Charles made peace with France.
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What did Henry do with Boulogne?
Garrisoned and rebuilt to withstand French attacks. In 1544 the cost of its maintenance was £130,000
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What was the total cost of the French campaign?
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When was France's counter attack?
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What was lost in the counter attack?
Henry's pride and joy, the Mary Rose with 500 men aboard.
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What peace treaty was made in 1546?
Treaty of Ardres
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What did the peace treaty conclude?
Peace between French and England. England could keep Boulogne, received a French pension and Henry was acknowledged as the Head of the Church in England.
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Why was Charles an unreliable ally?
Made a separate peace treaty, the Treaty of Crepy with France.
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How was Henry's foreign policy in 1540 carried out?
He dictated it, personally. He ignored pleads for peace from councillors.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
1541, what meeting failed?
The meeting between Henry and James V of Scotland. Henry went to York, but James never turned up. Angering Henry, so he plotted revenge.
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