Foreign Policy of Louis XVIII and Charles X 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? HistoryFrance 1589-1850ASOCR Created by: HopeCreated on: 18-04-13 21:14 What were the aims of Louis XVIII and Charles X's foreign policy? Prestige and to prove the end of the Napoleonic wars 1 of 17 What was the name of the Empire which contained Turkey? Ottoman Empire 2 of 17 What was the name of the Empire which contained Hungary? Austrian Empire 3 of 17 What was the name of Germany in 1815? The German Confederation 4 of 17 What was the largest Kingdom in what is now called Italy? Piedmont-Sardinia 5 of 17 When was the Spanish revolution? 1820 6 of 17 Why was there a revolution in Spain? Ferdinand refused to adopt the 1812 constitution 7 of 17 Why did France get involved in Spain? To raise their international prestige and Ferdinand was a Bourbon 8 of 17 What did the French think of France's involvement in Spain? It upset Liberal opinion 9 of 17 Who were the Greeks revolting against in 1820? Turks 10 of 17 Why did the British, Austrians and French support the Greeks? To prevent Russian expansion 11 of 17 What religion were the Greeks? Orthodox Christian 12 of 17 Why did the Russians support the Greeks? They were both Orthodox Christian 13 of 17 Why did France get involved with Greece in 1820? To raise their prestige 14 of 17 Why did Charles invade Algeria in 1830? To boost his own popularity 15 of 17 What excuse did Charles use to invade Algeria? The Fan Incident 16 of 17 Why did Charles choose Algeria to expand to? It was close by 17 of 17
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