An investigative methodology used to determine the most probable location of an offender’s anchor point, (usually their residence), by analysing crime related spatial and temporal data
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looking beyond a crime scene tape
only certainty in a crime of a violent/sexual nature is that the offender and victim come together at a TIME and LOCATION
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what are the types of predictive profiling
Body image assessment (BIA) - age, preconviction, education, work; Geo- address, work place; travel patters
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what are the concepts relating to crime location choice
Least Effort Principle Distance Decay Rational Choice Theory Routine Activity Theory
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what is the Distance decay/ least effort principle crime
When Multiple Destinations are of equal desirability, the closest one will be chosen; ‘Everything else being equal we will use least effort
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when can you use the least effort principle
non-criminal or criminal behaviour
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what is distance decay
Probability of targeting selection; nteraction between two locales declines as the distance between them increases
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what is the routine activity theory
Motivated offender; suitable target; lack of capable guardian
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what is a rational choice theory
Crimes are outcomes of choices made by offenders (Involvement & Planning, Execution & Opportunity); Cost/Benefit analysis (Goals, Resources & Risk); Factors affecting rationality (State of mind); Individual differences; Choices change over time
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how does geographic profiling work
criminal behaviour & human movement are not random process; Patterning of crime involves both Physical and Mental components; motivations; opportunity; mobility; perception
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what is the operation latchett
A series of Indecencies over a 4 year period Almost all occurred after dark All victims were female All occurred in the same locality
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Time analysis
24 hours clock; week; moth; season; day/night; temporal; between crimes (inter-crime distance); temporal to spacial (time & location comparison)
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Hunter VS Commuter
H) near home base; C) travels to a location away from their home base
what did Colin Sutton say about a geographic profiling
‘Geographic profiling a serial criminal makes a lot more sense than the more traditional psychological profiling; more exact science that target resources & enquiries into a specific place
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What procedures use geographic profiling
animal hunting behavioural activity; source origin of disease (criminological & biological research collaboration)
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What kind of answers to look for in predictive profiling (WHO)
(BIA)- age; pre-convictions; education/ work etc
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What are the types of crime opportunities
Motivated Offender; Suitable target; lack of capable guardian
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What are the divisions of Rational choice theory
Crimes are outcomes of choices made by offender; c
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Patterning of crimes involves both mental and physical components
Motivation; opportunity; mobility; perception
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What is so important about 'the sense of place and the ability to navigate'
Fundemental to our existence; gives a perception of position in the environment
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Operation Yeaddis investigation the performances of which areas
Strategic preparedness; command and control; ; investigation; human resources; logistical issues
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What issues were found from Operation Yeaddis
Lack of clarity of role & responsibility (confusion, duplication, gaps in supervision & communication); responsibility of crime case (jurisdiction; command structure); chiefs hand on role?; Are chief officer prepared and trained
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Hunter VS commuter
H) near home base. C) travels to a location away from their home base
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The order of offence that had to journey to their crime (ascending)
assualt, MURDER, all, ****, burglary; theft; robbery
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
looking beyond a crime scene tape
only certainty in a crime of a violent/sexual nature is that the offender and victim come together at a TIME and LOCATION
Card 3
what are the types of predictive profiling
Card 4
what are the concepts relating to crime location choice
Card 5
what is the Distance decay/ least effort principle crime
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