Forensic psychology- Approaches to OP 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyCriminological and Forensic PsychologyA2/A-levelWJEC Created by: Sarah ChristieCreated on: 05-06-14 12:03 Who came up with the 3 aims of OP? Holmes and Holmes 1 of 18 Who was the first to creat an accurate OP in the UK? David Carter 2 of 18 What is the UK OP called? Bottom Up 3 of 18 What approach do the UK profile use? Idiographic 4 of 18 What is it called when the OP predicts individual differences? Interpersonal Coherence 5 of 18 What is the US approach called? Top Down 6 of 18 How many serial killers was it based on? 36 7 of 18 What approach does the US profile take? Nomethic 8 of 18 What type of criminal hides the body and weapon? Organised 9 of 18 Whta type of criminal has a low IQ and unskilled job? Disorganised 10 of 18 Who claimed that the UK appraoch is more scientific? Carter 11 of 18 What did Ainsworth say about the US approach? Influential 12 of 18 What other countries use the US approach? Canada 13 of 18 Who conducted a review for the US approach to assess cost-benefits? Douglas 14 of 18 Out of 192 cases what percentage did Douglas find OP helped? 77 15 of 18 What is an example of OP 'blinkering' the police in investigations? Rachel Nickell 16 of 18 Who did a study and found that detective's 'old fashioned' experience was important? Pinizzotto 17 of 18 What did Holmes and Holmes say that the crimes that OP was used in had to be? Specific 18 of 18
PSYB unit 3 studies for Cognitive Development Schizophrenia & Mood Disorders & Forensic Psychology 0.0 / 5
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