formation new

  • Created by: brodda221
  • Created on: 25-10-23 16:39
Product context for formation
released the day before the performance at the Super Bowl final in February 2016
numerous awards like the Clio Award for innovation and Creative Excellence
set against the background of flooding in New Orleans followed by Hurricane Katrina.
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Industrial context
Racial tensions following the floods after the hurricane also could be because Kanye West (a famous rapper) commented on President Bush's for his actions
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economic and political context
Over 100 million people impacted the global circulation of the product which was designed to promote a political and cultural agenda but may have been done to try and profit of the publicity
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media language that relates to intertextuality
Many references to the issues and events of Hurricane Katrina
high media literacy to understand there is a reference to a Bounce music documentary called That B.E.A.T by referencing police brutality with the lone dancing boy in the street in front of the
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what is the nature of genre within formation
Beyonce has worked within different genres like pop, R&B, dance and hip-hop, and these can all combine into a genre called Bounce music. This genre is very Black orientated which could help highlight the racial issues happening within the video.
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how was Beyonce represented within the video
She makes constant direct addresses to the audience while standing in a tall, dominant position which can be there to empower women for example standing on top of a police car.
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how does representation convey values, attitudes and beliefs about the world
politically motivated by commenting on race
reinforcing attitude about gender e.g.: tight revelling clothing to condone the objectification of woman
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Bell Hooks' theory
The relation of the oppression of women in a patriarchal society
This video doesn't suggest clearly which side Beyonce is on, and she usually supports feminism within her music, but in formation, there is potentially contradictory view formation.
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Paul Gilroy's theory of ethnicity
challenging the racial hierarchies by subverting and placing black women in a place of power and domination to suggest binary opposition
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visual codes within formation
Sirens and lights to indicate police brutality towards black people
Wide angle shot of her on top of the police car makes her seem independent ( above the law), powerful and in control with low shots countertype
Black children signify that discrimination
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audio codes within formation
Messy Mya’s voice at the beginning of the music video signifies the gene and theme of black oppression and discrimination to engage her audience
The use of profanity adds aggression and passion to the music video and challenges female representations of
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technical codes within formation
Costumes and jewellery represent success and wealth
Camera tracking towards her makes her seem more powerful
Intertextual reference to Martin Luther King highlights black discrimination, which has been an ongoing issue for a long time
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Industrial context


Racial tensions following the floods after the hurricane also could be because Kanye West (a famous rapper) commented on President Bush's for his actions

Card 3


economic and political context


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


media language that relates to intertextuality


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is the nature of genre within formation


Preview of the front of card 5
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