Fraction to Decimals, to Percentages to turn fractions into decimals into percentages! 4.0 / 5 based on 5 ratings ? MathematicsFractions, decimals and percentagesGCSEEdexcel Created by: PepsigalCreated on: 29-04-14 18:32 to turn a percentage into a fraction.... write the number as the numerator(top) in the fraction and 100 as the denominator (bottom) 1 of 6 to turn a fraction into a percentage.... times by 100 2 of 6 to turn decimal into a percentage..... times by 100 3 of 6 to turn a percentage into a decimal.... divide by 100 4 of 6 to turn a decimal into a fraction.... multiply it by 100 5 of 6 to turn a fraction into a decimal..... divide the top by the bottom number 6 of 6