Frameworks 0.0 / 5 ? English LanguageLanguage variation and discoursesASWJEC Created by: rgels19.16Created on: 17-01-16 13:58 Lexis Words and choice of vocabulary 1 of 9 Semantics How specific words relate to a text 2 of 9 Pragmatics Words that rely on context and shared knowledge 3 of 9 Discourse Structure The structure of the text 4 of 9 Syntax The structure of sentences 5 of 9 The presecrpitve attitude Someone believes that the spoken and written language should be a grammatically correct all the time 6 of 9 The discriptive attitude Someone who understands that people dont always speak in standard English and have different variations of it 7 of 9 Phonolgy The sounds in language 8 of 9 Graphology The visual elements of a text 9 of 9
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