French - Grammar
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- Created by: vickieboadi
- Created on: 15-12-20 22:15
what does the article tell us
it tells us the gender and the number of the noun
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what are the indefinite articles
un, une, des - a, some
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what are the definite articles
le,la, les - the
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what are the partitive articles
du, de la, des - some, any
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what has to agree in a sentence
the noun has to agree with the indefinite or definite articles and the verb has to agree with the noun and the adjective also has to agree with the noun
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when do the endings of adjective change
they change depending on the gender and number of the noun. add an -e if feminine singular, and -s if masculine plural and an -es if feminine plural
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what is the present tense ending for -ER verbs
Je - e
Tu - es
Il/Elle - e
Nous - ons
Vous - ez
Ils/Elles - ent
Tu - es
Il/Elle - e
Nous - ons
Vous - ez
Ils/Elles - ent
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what is the present tense ending for -IR verbs
Je - is
Tu - is
Il/Elle - it
Nous - issons
Vous - issez
Ils/Elles - issent
Tu - is
Il/Elle - it
Nous - issons
Vous - issez
Ils/Elles - issent
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what is the present tense ending for -RE verbs
Je - s
Tu - s
Il/Elle -
Nous - ons
Vous - ez
Ils/Elles - ent
Tu - s
Il/Elle -
Nous - ons
Vous - ez
Ils/Elles - ent
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what are some irregular verbs in the present
faire - fais, fais, fait, faisons, faites, font
mettre - mets, mets,met, mettons,mettez, mettent
prendre - pren..
dire - dis, dis, dit, disons, dites, disent
voir - vois, vois, voit, voyons, voyez, voient
avoir - ai, as,a, avons, avez, ont
etre, suis,
mettre - mets, mets,met, mettons,mettez, mettent
prendre - pren..
dire - dis, dis, dit, disons, dites, disent
voir - vois, vois, voit, voyons, voyez, voient
avoir - ai, as,a, avons, avez, ont
etre, suis,
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what does the present tense translate to
Je joue - I play, I am playing, I do play
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how is the present tense form
it is formed from removing the last two letters of the verb then adding the appropriate endings
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how is the passé composé formed
it is formed from the present tense of avoir or etre as the auxiliary verb plus the past participle of the verb
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what does the passé composé translate to
j'ai visité - I visited, I have visited
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what are the endings form the past participles of regular ER verbs
they go from -er --> é
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what are the endings form the past participles of regular IR verbs
they go from -ir --> i
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what are the endings form the past participles of regular RE verbs
they go from -re --> u
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rules of the passé composé
the past participle must agree with the gender and the number of the subjects and it describes completed actions in the past which are limited by time, such as things which happened only once
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how do you form the passé composé with avoir
J' ai
Tu as
Il/Elle a
Nous avons
Vous avez
Ils/Elles ont
Then you add the past pariciple
Tu as
Il/Elle a
Nous avons
Vous avez
Ils/Elles ont
Then you add the past pariciple
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how do you form the passé composé with etre
Je suis
Tu es
Il/Elle est
Nous sommes
Vous etes
Ils/Elles sont
Then you add the past participle
Tu es
Il/Elle est
Nous sommes
Vous etes
Ils/Elles sont
Then you add the past participle
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how are negative expressions formed
you make negatives by adding ne before the verb and the pas after it. E.g. elle ne travaille pas and if there is a vowel or a silent h use n' instead of ne
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how is the immediate future translated
je vais regarder la télévision - I am going to watch the TV
it is used to talk about what you are going to do in the near future
it is used to talk about what you are going to do in the near future
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what are some examples of expressions that the immediate future follows
beintot, plus ****, ce soir, demain, la semaine prochaine
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how is the immediate future formed
it is formed by using the present tense conjugations of aller plus the infinitive of the main verb
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what are the conjugations of aller in the present tense
Je vais
Tu vas
Il/Elle va
Nous allons
Vous allez
Ils/Elles vont
plus the verb in the infintive
Tu vas
Il/Elle va
Nous allons
Vous allez
Ils/Elles vont
plus the verb in the infintive
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what happens when there is a negative with the immediate
when the negative is incorporated with the immediate future the ne...pas should go around the conjugation of aller
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when is the personal pronoun used
the personal pronoun is used as the subject of the verb and tells you who or what is performing the action
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what is the other type of personal pronoun used
it is used for emphasis and is known as the emphatic or stressed pronoun.
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what are the emphatic prounouns
moi, toi, lui, elle, nous, vous, eux, elles
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what is a reflexive verb translated to
je me lave - i wash (myself)/ i'm having a wash
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how is the reflexive formed
Je me - e
Tu te - es
Il/Elle se - e
Nous nous - ons
Vous vous - ez
Ils/Elles se - ent
Tu te - es
Il/Elle se - e
Nous nous - ons
Vous vous - ez
Ils/Elles se - ent
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what are some examples of modal verbs
pouvoir - to be able/ can
vouloir - to want
savoir - to know
devoir - to have to
and all must be followed by the infinitive
vouloir - to want
savoir - to know
devoir - to have to
and all must be followed by the infinitive
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what is the rules of the venir + de form
it must be followed by the infinitive and is used to talk about what happened - je viens de manger - I've just eaten
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what are the conjugation of venir for the venir + de
Je viens
Tu viens
Il/Elle vient
Nous venons
Vous venez
Ils/Elles viennent
Tu viens
Il/Elle vient
Nous venons
Vous venez
Ils/Elles viennent
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what does the imperfect translate to
Je jouais - I was playing, I used to play
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how do you form the imperfect
to form this tense start with the nous form of the verb in present then remove the 'ons' then add the endings
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what are the endings for the imperfect
Je -ais
Tu -ais
Il/Elle -ait
Nous -ions
Vous -iez
Ils/Elles -aient
Tu -ais
Il/Elle -ait
Nous -ions
Vous -iez
Ils/Elles -aient
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when is the imperfect used
describe situation in the past
describe a person or property in the past
to talk about a repeated action in the past
talk about simultaneously occurring action in the past
to emphasise the duration of an action
describe a person or property in the past
to talk about a repeated action in the past
talk about simultaneously occurring action in the past
to emphasise the duration of an action
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what are some irregulars of the perfect tense
courir, prendre, croire, recevoir, pouvoir, devoir, vouloir, vivre,mettre, venir, suivre, lire, voir, boire, conduire, craindre, connaitre
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what is the direct object
the direct object is used to replace the noun that is the object of a sentence
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what are the direct object pronouns
Me - me
Te - you
Le - him/it
La - her/ it
Nous - us
Vous - you
Les - them
Te - you
Le - him/it
La - her/ it
Nous - us
Vous - you
Les - them
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what are the rules of the direct object pronoun
with the perfect tense the past participle of avoir must agree with a feminine or plural direct object pronoun if it appears in font of avoir, the direct object pronoun must come before the verb
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what is the indirect object pronoun
the indirect object is used to say 'to me, to you'
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what are the indirect object pronouns
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what does the pluperfect translate to
I had seen or I had been thinking
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how do we form the pluperfect
to form the pluperfect we use the imperfect form of avoir or etre then add the past participle
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the conjugations of the pluperfect for avoir
tu avais
il/elle avait
nous avions
vous aviez
ils/elles avaient
tu avais
il/elle avait
nous avions
vous aviez
ils/elles avaient
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the conjugations of the pluperfect for avoir
tu étais
il/elle était
nous étions
vous étiez
ils/elles étaient
tu étais
il/elle était
nous étions
vous étiez
ils/elles étaient
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what are the rules of the pluperfect
the past participle must agree with the gender and number the and never agrees with the indirect object and in negatives it comes after pas and for reflexive come after the ne
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what does the future tense translate to
Je jouerai - I will play known as the 'will' future
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how do we form the future
verb endings are the same in future for er,ir, and re but changes depending on the person. it is formed from the infinitive of the verb and then add the endings but with re verbs remove the 'e'
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what are the conjugation of the future
Je - ai
Tu - as
Il/Elle - a
Nous - ons
Vous - ez
Ils/Elles - ont
Tu - as
Il/Elle - a
Nous - ons
Vous - ez
Ils/Elles - ont
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what are si clauses
si + present + future
si + imperfect + conditional
si + pluperfect + conditional perfect
si + imperfect + conditional
si + pluperfect + conditional perfect
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what is the conditional translated to
j'aimerais - i would like - something that would happen
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How is the conditional formed
the verb endings are the same for -er, -ir, and -re
you take the infinitive of the verb as the stem then you add the appropriate endings
you take the infinitive of the verb as the stem then you add the appropriate endings
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what are the endings for the conditional
Je - ait
Tu - ais
Il/Elle - ait
Nous - ions
Vous - iez
Ils/Elles - aient
Tu - ais
Il/Elle - ait
Nous - ions
Vous - iez
Ils/Elles - aient
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when is the conditional used
to express a wish or possibility
to make a polite request
as a tense to talk about the future from a past point of view
in si clauses
to make a polite request
as a tense to talk about the future from a past point of view
in si clauses
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when is the future tense used
talk about future intentions
make predictions of the future
in Si clauses
make predictions of the future
in Si clauses
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what are common irregulars stems of the conditional
avoir - aur
faire - fer
prendre - prendr
devoir - devr
recevoir - recevr
aller - ir
savoir -saur
etre - ser
pouvoir - pourr
faire - fer
prendre - prendr
devoir - devr
recevoir - recevr
aller - ir
savoir -saur
etre - ser
pouvoir - pourr
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what is the subjunctive
it is a mood that expresses actions which are uncertain
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what are uses of the subjunctive
when you want someone else to do something
to express possibility
to express necessity
after certain conjunction - e.g. bien que/pour que
to express possibility
to express necessity
after certain conjunction - e.g. bien que/pour que
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how is the subjunctive formed
to form it with regular verbs you find the ils/elles form of the verb take off the -ent and then add the appropriate endings
which are
-e, -es, -e, ions, -iez, -aient
which are
-e, -es, -e, ions, -iez, -aient
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what are common irregulars of the subjunctive
etre - sois
avoir - aie
aller - aille
faire - fasse
pouvoir -puisse
avoir - aie
aller - aille
faire - fasse
pouvoir -puisse
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
what are the indefinite articles
un, une, des - a, some
Card 3
what are the definite articles

Card 4
what are the partitive articles

Card 5
what has to agree in a sentence

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