French revision 0.0 / 5 ? FrenchFrenchOtherNone Created by: cloudedleopardloverCreated on: 22-05-18 15:01 Monday lundi 1 of 42 Tuesday mardi 2 of 42 Wednesday mercredi 3 of 42 Thursday jeudi 4 of 42 Friday vendredi 5 of 42 Saturday samedi 6 of 42 Sunday dimanche 7 of 42 one o'clock un heure 8 of 42 two o'clock deux heures 9 of 42 three o'clock trois heures 10 of 42 four o'clock quatre heures 11 of 42 five o'clock cinq heures 12 of 42 six o'clock six heures 13 of 42 seven o'clock sept heures 14 of 42 eight o'clock huit heures 15 of 42 nine o'clock neuf heures 16 of 42 ten o'clock dix heures 17 of 42 eleven o'clock onze heures 18 of 42 midday midi 19 of 42 midnight minuit 20 of 42 Je me reveille I wake myself up 21 of 42 Je me léve I get myself up 22 of 42 Je me lave I wash myself 23 of 42 Je me douche I shower myself 24 of 42 Je me brosse les dents I brush my teeth myself 25 of 42 Je m'habille I dress myself 26 of 42 Je prends le petit déjeuner I eat breakfast myself 27 of 42 Je vais au collège I go to school 28 of 42 I like J'aime 29 of 42 I don't like Je n'aime pas 30 of 42 I love J'adore 31 of 42 I hate Je deteste 32 of 42 Le dessin Art 33 of 42 L'informatique Computing 34 of 42 La géographie Geography 35 of 42 Les maths Maths 36 of 42 Le théâtre Drama 37 of 42 Le français French 38 of 42 L'historie History 39 of 42 Les sciences Science 40 of 42 La musique Music 41 of 42 L'anglais English 42 of 42
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