French Vocab- La famille et l'amitie 0.0 / 5 ? FrenchGrammar and vocabularyRelationships with family and friendsMedia and cultureLeisure and sportGCSEAQA Created by: .HannahEMBaker.Created on: 08-05-18 19:42 a partir de from 1 of 32 s' adapter a to adapt to 2 of 32 l' amitie friendship 3 of 32 avoir l'habitude to adapt to 4 of 32 le beau-pere stepfather 5 of 32 la belle-mere stepmother 6 of 32 comprehensif (-ve) understanding 7 of 32 d'ailleurs moreover/besides 8 of 32 davantage more 9 of 32 le desequilibre imbalance 10 of 32 discuiter to discuss 11 of 32 se distraire to have fun 12 of 32 durer to last 13 of 32 egal (e) equal 14 of 32 faire confiance a to trust 15 of 32 la famille homoparentale single-sex family 16 of 32 s' inquieter to worry 17 of 32 loyal (e) loyal 18 of 32 s' occuper de to look after 19 of 32 se parler to talk to each other 20 of 32 partager share 21 of 32 le pire worst 22 of 32 plein (e) de vie full of life 23 of 32 pouvoir supporter to be able to stand 24 of 32 profond (e) profound, deep 25 of 32 ma propre chambre my own room 26 of 32 les rapports relationship 27 of 32 les relations relationship 28 of 32 rendre to make (+ adjective) 29 of 32 rigoler to have a laugh 30 of 32 se traiter to treat each other 31 of 32 tristre sad 32 of 32
Louis Malle reste detache des eventments du scenario de ce film et comme resultant ne suscite aucune emotion chez le spectateu 0.0 / 5
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