French (opinions) 5.0 / 5 based on 1 ratingTeacher recommended ? FrenchMedia and cultureGCSEAQA Created by: ck123catsCreated on: 06-05-13 12:14 à mon avis in my opinion 1 of 25 affreux awful 2 of 25 agréable nice 3 of 25 amusant amusing 4 of 25 ça me fait rire that makes me laugh 5 of 25 ça me plait I like that 6 of 25 ça m'énerve that annoys me 7 of 25 ça ne fait rien! it doesn't matter 8 of 25 ça ne me dit rien I don't fancy that 9 of 25 ça suffit that's enough 10 of 25 casse-pieds annoying 11 of 25 cher expensive 12 of 25 chouette great 13 of 25 incroyable unbelievable 14 of 25 malheureusement unfortuantely 15 of 25 plutôt rather 16 of 25 marrant funny 17 of 25 moche ugly 18 of 25 mignon cute 19 of 25 merveilleux amazing 20 of 25 inutile useless 21 of 25 inquiet worried 22 of 25 habile clever 23 of 25 grave serious 24 of 25 génial brilliant 25 of 25