french revision 5.0 / 5 based on 1 ratingTeacher recommended ? FrenchOral preparationGCSEAQA Created by: aimee wrightCreated on: 30-08-12 19:58 reparer to repair 1 of 58 to serve customers servir des clients 2 of 58 vendre to sell 3 of 58 easy facile 4 of 58 varied varie 5 of 58 gagner win 6 of 58 faire des livraisons make deliveries 7 of 58 le fonctionnaire the official 8 of 58 le racisme racist 9 of 58 le sexisme sexist 10 of 58 faire du babysitting to do babysitting 11 of 58 le menuisier the carpenter 12 of 58 difficult difficile 13 of 58 finir finish 14 of 58 le vendeur the seller 15 of 58 un boulot a job 16 of 58 helpful serviable 17 of 58 dur hard 18 of 58 dans un agence de voyages in a travel agents 19 of 58 a la ferme on a farm 20 of 58 dans un atelier in a work shop 21 of 58 dans une usine in a factory 22 of 58 dans un cabinet medical in a doctors surgery 23 of 58 l'immigre the immigrant 24 of 58 wage le salaire 25 of 58 director le directeur 26 of 58 ecrire des lettres to write letters 27 of 58 l'instituteur teacher 28 of 58 preparer le the et le cafe make tea and coffee 29 of 58 enterprise/compagnie company 30 of 58 to work travailler 31 of 58 the worker ouvrier 32 of 58 to start commencer 33 of 58 help aider 34 of 58 par semaine per week 35 of 58 ecrire a la machine to type 36 of 58 l'handicape disabled 37 of 58 pause cafe/pause dejeuner coffee break/lunch break 38 of 58 un bureau an office 39 of 58 un pour boire for a drink 40 of 58 les blagues racistes racist jokes 41 of 58 aider les gens to help people 42 of 58 s'occuper des animaux to look after animals 43 of 58 nettoyer to clean 44 of 58 par heure per hour 45 of 58 la caisse the cash 46 of 58 dans un banque in a bank 47 of 58 dans un bibliotheque in a library 48 of 58 dans une ecole maternelle at a nursery 49 of 58 repondre au telephone to answer the telephone 50 of 58 maussade in a bad mood 51 of 58 in eimen altersheim in an old folks home 52 of 58 gentille friendly 53 of 58 servir to serve 54 of 58 remplir des fiches to fill out forms 55 of 58 travialler avec les ordinateures to work with computers 56 of 58 stage en entreprise work experience 57 of 58 dans une ecole primaire in a primary school 58 of 58
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