From Tsardom to Communism 1914-1925 Key dates/ statistics 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryGCSEAQA Created by: Rachel123Created on: 09-06-13 10:21 What Percentage of The Russian Population were Peasants living in the countryside? 80% 1 of 35 When did World War 1 start? August 1914 2 of 35 When Did the Tsar take personal command of the army? September 1915 3 of 35 When was the Brusilov Offensive? 1916 4 of 35 In August 1916 the village of Grushevka lost ____% of its population 13% 5 of 35 How many jobs did the war created between 1914 and 1916 3.5 million 6 of 35 When were there bread/food shortages? 1916-1917 7 of 35 There was a shortage of raw materials and fuel in what year? 1917 8 of 35 Conscription of ____________ peasants meant that the aristocrats had no-one to look after their land 13 million 9 of 35 When was Rasputin Murdered? December 1916 10 of 35 When did strikes break out in Russia? February/March 1917 11 of 35 How many workers went on strike from the Putilov Steel works 40,000 12 of 35 __-___ March the number of strikers rose to 250,000 7th-10th 13 of 35 When did the Tsar Abdicate? 15th March 1917 14 of 35 When did the provisional government organise and offensive (which failed) June 1917 15 of 35 When did Trotsky join the Bolsheviks and what was his position? Summer 1917- Chairman of Military Revolutionary Committee 16 of 35 When was the Kornilov Revolt? September 1917 17 of 35 How many members did the Bolsheviks have in October 1917 800,000 18 of 35 How much of the army supported the Bolsheviks? At least half 19 of 35 When did the Bolsheviks have control over Peter and Paul bridge, telephone links, railway links etc 6th November 1917 (night) 20 of 35 When did the Bolsheviks fire shots towards the Winter Palace and what was the name of the cruise ship? 7th November 1917 (night) 21 of 35 When did the Bolsheviks announce they had taken over? 8th November 1917 (early) 22 of 35 When was the Constituent Assembly where there were more Socialist Republics than Bolsheviks? January 1917 23 of 35 When did the Russian Congress agree a new system of government? July 1917 24 of 35 When did the Bolsheviks pull out of the war? December 1917 25 of 35 When were the Bolsheviks forced to Sign the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk March 1918 26 of 35 How much land did Russia loose because of Brest-Litovsk 32% 27 of 35 Russia lost ___ % of its population due to Brest-Litovsk 34% 28 of 35 Russia had to pay ____ Roubles in compensation of Brest-litovsk 300 29 of 35 Russia lost ___ % of its industry due to Brest-Litovsk 54% 30 of 35 When was the Russian Civil War 1918-1921 31 of 35 How many men and officers did Trotsky raise due to conscription 330,000 men and 22, 000 officers 32 of 35 When did Britain, France and the USA pull out of the Russian Civil War? End of 1919 33 of 35 When did Lenin introduce NEP? March 1921 34 of 35 When did Lenin die? January 1924 35 of 35
Full revision guide for OCR History B paper one (International relations from 1918-1939 and the USA) 0.0 / 5
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