Functionalist and New right perspectives on education 0.0 / 5 ? SociologyEducationA2/A-levelAQA Created by: brown153Created on: 26-11-19 12:30 What is functionalism ? Functionalsim is a consensus perspective that believe society works like a human body with different parts working together. 1 of 13 How did society need to function in Durkheims opinion? He believed that society needed common beliefs and values. 2 of 13 What did the education system do to help his idea? The education system passes on these shared beliefs from one generation to another. 3 of 13 How does the education system create social solidarity? Students learn skills for the future and develop a shared awareness of society's rules. 4 of 13 What did Durkheim believe the education system taught people? Durkeim believed that the education system teaches people specialist skills. 5 of 13 What does Parson believes schools act as? He believed that school acted as a form of secondary socialisation. 6 of 13 What did he compare it to? He compared the education system to a bridge between home and work. 7 of 13 What does meritocracy mean? This means a palce where everyone has an equal chance of success. 8 of 13 What does schools do according to Davis and Moore? They believed that school sifts and sorts students into their future roles. 9 of 13 What is role allocation? This is where people are allocated jobs that best suit their abilities. 10 of 13 What is the New Right? The New Right is a conservative political view. They agree with the key principles of the functionalist view. 11 of 13 What do the New right disaagree with? They believe that the education system is failing to provide the key features. 12 of 13 What is marketisation? The New Right feel that schools should compete agaisnt each other for customers. 13 of 13
Perspectives of Education (Feminism, Social Democrates, New Right/Neoliberal + Postmodernism) 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating
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