functionalist theories of family

functionalists perspective on family?
they view it positively benefits and functions the family performs for all socieities
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Murdocks 4 functions of the family?
1.the sexual function-family prevents disruption to society by limiting sexuality to monogamous relationships preventing conflict the may arise from sexual desire. 2.the reproductive function- the family ensures the reproduction of new generations
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Murdocks 4 functions of the family?p2
3. the economic function- the family acts as an economic unit ensuring the survival of its members by providing food and shelter 4. the educational function- the family provides a stable environment where children are socialised in societies culture.
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parsons: two basic and irreducible functions?
primary socialisation: the family was the only institution in which primary socialisation could take place effectively so that children would internalise the normsand values of their society.
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parsons: two basic and irreducible functions?p2
stabilisation of adult personalities; western societies the isolated nuclear family gets little support from extended kinship networks the stress of the competitive world of work for husbands can be balanced by the warmth and security of nuclear fam
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parsons: two basic and irreducible functions?p3
within the family adults can act int the childish elements in their personalities. this helps stabilise personalities
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changing family structure-taclott parsons?
structure of family changes to fit the needs of the different types of society. masons argues as society changes the family loses me of its functions.
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Card 2


Murdocks 4 functions of the family?


1.the sexual function-family prevents disruption to society by limiting sexuality to monogamous relationships preventing conflict the may arise from sexual desire. 2.the reproductive function- the family ensures the reproduction of new generations

Card 3


Murdocks 4 functions of the family?p2


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Card 4


parsons: two basic and irreducible functions?


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Card 5


parsons: two basic and irreducible functions?p2


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