Functionalist Theories of Religion 0.0 / 5 ? SociologyReligion and beliefsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: hollyrebekahCreated on: 26-09-20 21:39 What are the three ways in which sociologists define religion? Substantive, functional and social constructionist 1 of 14 How does Durkheim define religion? In terms of the contribution it makes to social integration, rather than a specific supernatural belief 2 of 14 Social constructionists focus on what? How members of society themselves define religion and how those definitions are constructed and challenged 3 of 14 According to Durkheim, what is the key feature of religion? A fundamental distinction between the sacred and the profane 4 of 14 What does Durkheim say sacred things represent? Society; therefore, when people worship the sacred, they are worshipping society 5 of 14 What tribe did Durkheim study? The Arunta, an Aboriginal Australian tribe 6 of 14 What do regular shared religious rituals reinforce? The collective conscience; they maintain social integration and remind people they are part of a singular moral community 7 of 14 Who argued that religion provides basic categories such as time, space and causation? Durkheim and Mauss 8 of 14 What two situations does Malinowski identify in which religion performs its psychological functions? When the outcome is important but uncontrollable and at times of life crisis 9 of 14 What did Malinowski study? Lagoon and ocean fishing among the Trobriand Islanders of the Western Pacific 10 of 14 What two other essential functions does Parsons identify that religion performs? Religion creates and legitimises society’s central values and is the primary source of meaning 11 of 14 What, in Bellah’s opinion, unifies multi-faith societies such as America? Civil religion 12 of 14 What are functional alternatives to religion? Non-religious beliefs and practices that perform functions similar to those of organised religion 13 of 14 How does Worsley criticised Durkheim? There is no sharp division between the sacred and the profane 14 of 14
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