Nuclear family is universal and ideally suited to perform 4 functions:
Stable sex drive
Primary Socialisation
Economic Needs
1 of 8
Functional Fit Theory which argues the kinds and range of functions a family performs depends on the society they're in:
Primary socialisation of children
Stabilisation of adult personalities
2 of 8
Rise of the Nuclear Family
Provided opportunity for geographical mobility of movement for jobs and social mobility without family conflict
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Loss of Functions
unit of production - workplace
welfare needs - schools and healthcare
4 of 8
Evaluation of Parsons Functional Fit Theory
Young & Wilmott
found that nuclear families were the norm because of late childbearing and short life expectancy which caused less grandparents
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Evaluation of Functionalism
ignored the negative aspects of family such as the "dark side" of everything which was family conflict, domestic abuse etc.
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The new right value confronts single parents family mainly taken by mothers where boys who lack a father figure may cause boys to not take education seriously and fail leading to poor quality life at work and poverty that encourages crime
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Who in the family is instrumental and who is expressive?
Men are instrumental and women are expressive
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Functional Fit Theory which argues the kinds and range of functions a family performs depends on the society they're in:
Primary socialisation of children
Stabilisation of adult personalities
Card 3
Provided opportunity for geographical mobility of movement for jobs and social mobility without family conflict
Card 4
unit of production - workplace
welfare needs - schools and healthcare
Card 5
found that nuclear families were the norm because of late childbearing and short life expectancy which caused less grandparents
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