Functionalist theory 0.0 / 5 ? SociologyReligion and beliefsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: JessDyerCreated on: 09-05-15 21:58 One of the main theorists behind the functionalist theory Durkheim 1 of 18 Things set apart and forbidden, inspire feelings of awe The Sacred 2 of 18 Ordinary things with no special significance The Profane 3 of 18 What Durkheim says people are worshipping when worshipping sacred symbols Society 4 of 18 Who did Durkheim use to illustrate his point Arunta Tribe 5 of 18 What do the sacred symbols represent? Society's collective conscience 6 of 18 Shared norms, values and beliefs that make cooperation between individuals possible is called... Collective conscience 7 of 18 Durkheim argues that the religion is also the source of our... Cognitive capacities 8 of 18 In order to think we need... Categories 9 of 18 An example of a category is... Time 10 of 18 Theorist behind the argument of psychological functions Malinowski 11 of 18 Example of how religion performs a psychological function Coping with emotional stress 12 of 18 What example does Malinowski use to illustrate her ideas? Trobriand Islanders 13 of 18 What is the second situation where religion performs psychological functions? Time of life crises 14 of 18 Who identifies two other functions of religion? Parsons 15 of 18 What is a belief system that attached sacred qualities to society itself called? Civil religion 16 of 18 Which theorist puts forward the argument of civil religion? Bellah 17 of 18 Which country has a civil religion? America 18 of 18
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