Functions of pressure groups and examples 0.0 / 5 ? Government & PoliticsUK pressure groups and protest movementsASEdexcel Created by: BeatrizCreated on: 31-03-15 10:00 They either represent specific sections of the public or they claim to represent the best interests of the whole community. Age UK represent the interests of the elderly. 1 of 5 They educate the public to raise awareness and promote public participation in politics. Friends of the Earth publicise environmental issues. 2 of 5 They provide a less intensive but more relevant opportunity for political participation than political parties do. Taxpayers alliance organise online petitions enabling people to make their views known. 3 of 5 They scrutinise legislative and policy proposals, suggesting how they may be improved to make them fairer and more effective. Medical groups such as BMA and RCN helped shape the NHS reform. 4 of 5 They influence policy making in parliament. They point out shortcomings in policies and make the the government more responsive with demands. The National Farmers Union for agriculture. When making a law about agriculture they must be informed. 5 of 5
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