G674; Gender - Perspectives

  • Created by: DDOB
  • Created on: 09-04-15 19:30
(Functionalist). Seperate gender roles more useful for society. Women play expressive role and men play instrumental role. There are biological differences between men and women.
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Boys are SOCIALISED into a hegemonic masculinity. This is not necessarily biological.
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Gender differences in primary school. Teachers reinforce gender stereotypes
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Olsen and Walby
Looked at BHPS. Women face systematic disadvantage.
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Barren and Norris
(Weberians) Women more likely to be found in 2nd sector. 3 reasons: 1. unsuitability, 2. disrupted career development, 3. Weak legal/political framework
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West and Zimmerman
Powerful cultural myths subscribed to by employers. E.g. women are financially dependent on men, people do not like working for female bosses, working mothers cause children damage, women will stop work and marry or have chilren.
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Husbands career may dictate geographical location. This makes it difficult for a woman to establish a career, because it may be disrupted.
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Sex discrimination act feeble.
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Barren and Norris fail to explain inequalities in the same sector.
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(Lib fem) Policies needed for working parents, e.g. creche, so they dont have to rely on non working wife.
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(Lib fem) Raised beauty standards due to magazines/culture. Although women have more power in the workplace then before, they are oppressed by physical expectations.
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(Marx Fem) some feminists advance individualist values, fail to explore how class affects lives.
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(Marx Fem) Class differences are even more powerful than gender differences.
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Married women should give priority to the home.
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(Rad Fem) Patriarchy is they enemy of women. All women are exploited. Male supremacy makes dominance seem natural. Women need to form their own class and advocate seperatism.
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Delphy and Leonard
(Rad Fem) The family is the cornerstone of oppression and needs to be abolished. Unfair shares within the home.
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Walby and Allen
(Rad Fem) 1/5 women = domestic violence. 1/20 = serious sexual assault.
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(Rad Fem) Patriarchy leads to sexual exploitation. *********** promotes **** and violence. All heterosexual sex could be considered **** due to inability to consent.
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The term 'patriarchy' should be replaced with 'sexual stratification'
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Triple systems feminist. Racism capitalism and particularly patriarchy. Patriarchy has changed in degree and form.
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Triple systems feminism is good as it does not seek one overreaching explanation. It treats all three systems.
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(Postmodern fem) Internet ****/cosmetic surgery. Women more objectified. Emphasis on looks - femknism needed more than ever.
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(Postmodern fem) Scare stories of feminism
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(Postmodern fem) Womens problems are not greater than mens. 1990's - male crisis.
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Oakley and Mitchell
Has there really been a backlash against womens rights????
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POST FEMINIST. REJECTION of all feminist values. Preference theory (choice/constraint). Primary male responsibility = breadwinner. Primary female responsibility = emotional work.
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Hakim treats unequal pay as choice. Blames victim, oversimplifies.
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Hakim relies on large scale survey data which could be influenced by demand characteristics.
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Card 2


Boys are SOCIALISED into a hegemonic masculinity. This is not necessarily biological.



Card 3


Gender differences in primary school. Teachers reinforce gender stereotypes


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Card 4


Looked at BHPS. Women face systematic disadvantage.


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Card 5


(Weberians) Women more likely to be found in 2nd sector. 3 reasons: 1. unsuitability, 2. disrupted career development, 3. Weak legal/political framework


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