GB 20 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryModern Britain - 19th century onwardsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: maxreadCreated on: 06-05-19 21:41 who won 1950? labour again 1 of 37 1951 election cause? atlee beleives labour are exhausted 2 of 37 reasons for tory dominance 1951 onwards? reorganisation, labour divisions, austerity 3 of 37 reorganisation? Lord Walton and Rab Butler modernised the party hleping to attract new talent like macmiallan 4 of 37 labour divisions? Bevanites and Gaitskellites 5 of 37 reasons for this division? Bevan opposes Gaitskell (COE) intro of prescription charges to NHS in 1951= resigns from government 6 of 37 impact on labour? became political enemies, caused a less effective labour opposition 7 of 37 austerity? labour still pursue austerity, seen in rationing until 1954= people become tired of this and want change 8 of 37 1955 election reason? Eden wants personal mandate, victory tory due to rising living standards (e.g. rationing) 9 of 37 suez crisis 1956? britain major shareholder, general nasser and egpt nationalise it 10 of 37 eden action? conspire with israel and france to invade egypt as 'peacekeepers' 11 of 37 succesful? no had to back out due to internatoinal pressure mainly from USA 12 of 37 effect on Eden? lied about collusion in HOC, looked weak by bowing down to the pressure 13 of 37 effect on UK international position? Britain had "lost its place in the world"- could no longer act without US approval 14 of 37 succesor of eden ? macmillan 15 of 37 quotes? "you never had it so good", "supermac" 16 of 37 nationalisation? labour nationalise 20%, tories privatise some but accept a mixed economy 17 of 37 full employment tories and kabour dont want to revert to 20s where there was high unemployment 18 of 37 welfare state NHS popularity make tories support it 19 of 37 three labour topics divided? nuclear, nationalistion and trade unions 20 of 37 nuclear? atom bomb test 1952 and hydrogen 1957 21 of 37 opposition to? campaign for nuclear disarmamnet 1958 22 of 37 issue for labour? many left of labour support CND, however atom bomb originally planned by labour gov 23 of 37 trade unions pre 1956? happy as full employment 24 of 37 opposition to gaitskell? union leader frank collins attacked gaitskell over nuclear diarmamnet 25 of 37 clause 4 in labour constitution? commited the party to nationalisation 26 of 37 fall of macmillian? profumo affair 27 of 37 what was it? defnce secratary having affair with Christine Keeler 28 of 37 significance? also sleeping with soviet spy = fears leaks to soviets during cold war 29 of 37 profumo and HOC? ied to HOC and PM= rep ruined 30 of 37 macmillian reaction? resigned as seen as weak government 31 of 37 1964 election result? labour win by 3 seats, sir alec douglas home takes tory lead 32 of 37 reason for labour victory? Douglas Home, end of division, tory 33 of 37 doulgas home impact? seen as outdated and part of "old firm"= last primeminsiter who sat in house of lords 34 of 37 end of division? both gaitskell and bevan dead so split of two groups over 35 of 37 tories? profumo affair ruins reputation, 36 of 37 quote? "3 years of tory misrule" 37 of 37
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