GCSE AQA Sociology P1 Key Thinkers 0.0 / 5 ? SociologyPaper 1FamiliesEducationGCSEAQA Created by: SoDoneWithSchoolCreated on: 10-05-24 12:01 2 main functions of the family - primary socialisation and stabilisation of adult personalities Parsons 1 of 27 conventional family Oakley 2 of 27 symmetrical family Willmott & Young 3 of 27 principle of stratified diffusion Willmott & Young 4 of 27 the impact of social class on educational destination Halsey, Heath & Ridge 5 of 27 pioneers in researching family diversity Rapoport & Rapoport 6 of 27 dual burden Oakley 7 of 27 education creates an obedient workplace to serve capitalist society Bowles & Gintis 8 of 27 nuclear family can be stressful/ the idea of strain Oakley 9 of 27 middle class had more family diversity Oakley 10 of 27 meritocracy and achieved status Parsons 11 of 27 family serves capitalism Zaretsky 12 of 27 history promotes social solidarity Durkheim 13 of 27 studied setting and streaming Ball 14 of 27 self-fulfilling prophecy Ball 15 of 27 4 main functions of the family - economic, educational, sexual, reproductive Murdock 16 of 27 marketisation of education Ball, Bowe & Gewirtz 17 of 27 service, intermediate and working class Halsey, Heath & Ridge 18 of 27 meritocracy is a myth Bowles & Gintis 19 of 27 school is an agent of socialisation Parsons 20 of 27 education is a bridge between family and wider society Parsons 21 of 27 main function of education is to transmit and teach shared norms and values of society Durkheim 22 of 27 school teaches children specialised skills for work Durkheim 23 of 27 family is patriarchal Delphy & Leonard 24 of 27 anti-school subculture Willis 25 of 27 correspondence principle Bowles & Gintis 26 of 27 hidden curriculum Bowles & Gintis 27 of 27
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