The control unit, the arithmetic logic unit, the registers, the cache, the clock and the data buses
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What does the control unit do
It controls the way data moves around the CPU. It controls and monitors the flow of data between the CPU and other hardware components. It executes the instructions provided by the program
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What does the arithmetic logic unit do
It performs standard arithmetic operations such as addition and subtraction. It can not divide. It pretends to multiply e.g 42x3=42+42+42. It also deals with logic and comparisons such as is this value greater than that value
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Why can’t the arithmetic logic unit divide
It can’t do decimal points
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What is a register
A register is a type of temporary memory located inside the CPU
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Facts about the register
It is faster to shift data to and from registers rather than RAM so it speeds up processing time. There are many registers inside the CPU
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What are the different types of registers
Program counter, Memory data register and Memory adress register
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Facts about the cache
The more cache a computer has,the more data and instructions can be held in cache and made available very quickly
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Level 1 cache is
Extremely fast, 2-64kb, speeds up the fetch-execute cycle
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Level 2 cache is
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Card 2
What does the control unit do
It controls the way data moves around the CPU. It controls and monitors the flow of data between the CPU and other hardware components. It executes the instructions provided by the program
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