GCSE dance crossword 4.5 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? DancetheoryGCSEAQA Created by: Sarah HarrisonCreated on: 10-06-16 13:41 How much a dance links to the music and its qualities Musicality 1 of 10 A choreographic structure which follows a certain storyline Narrative 2 of 10 A dance with three sections ternary 3 of 10 The act of choreographing and performing spontaneously improvisation 4 of 10 The most intense and exciting part in a dance climax 5 of 10 Sensitivity to other dancers in time and space relationship 6 of 10 Adapting a phrase of movement development 7 of 10 A clear difference to other movements contrast 8 of 10 The positioning of body parts in relation to the rest of the body Alignment 9 of 10 A movement when you are still, normally focused on one spot and you are centered balance 10 of 10
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