GCSE Dance Revision 0.0 / 5 ? DanceTheory Paper RevisionGCSEAQA Created by: Sarah HarrisonCreated on: 10-06-16 13:28 Name the ability to move all of your body easily mobility 1 of 15 What is the skill that refers to the amount of control you have over your actions? technical 2 of 15 What does the 'R' in RADS stand for? relationships 3 of 15 What is a phrase of movement which can be repeated and developed? motif 4 of 15 How many sections are in Swansong? seven 5 of 15 Who composed the accompaniment for Still Life? Simon Jeffes 6 of 15 How many sections are there in Still Life? nine 7 of 15 When was Swansong first performed? November 1987 8 of 15 How many dancers are in Swansong? 3 9 of 15 What is the staging for both Swansong and Still Life? Proscenium 10 of 15 What is the theme of Swansong? Human rights 11 of 15 What is the theme of Still Life? endangered species 12 of 15 What is the lighting like for Still Life? episodic 13 of 15 Who composed the music for Swansong? Phillip Chambon 14 of 15 When was Still Life first performed? March 1988 15 of 15
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