GCSE Media Studies: Industries: Key words 0.0 / 5 ? Media StudiesIndustries GCSEAll boards Created by: nihadnCreated on: 17-07-16 09:53 Media Texts any media products created for an audience eg. a TV programme,film, music track/album, magazine, video game& newspaper 1 of 7 Media Industry a varied collection of organisations that share the production, publication & distribution of media texts for example the BBC 2 of 7 Media Format refers to whether the content is video, audio, print based or a combanation such as a website or video game 3 of 7 Media Platform where a media text is presented; TV, cinema, computer, game console, digital media player, smartphone, tablet, magazine, or newspaper 4 of 7 ‘Traditional media’ /‘old media’ are the names given to the industries that existed before the internet, like radio, print and television 5 of 7 ‘New media’ emerging formats and platforms for media texts that have developed since the rise of the internet like blogs, comics& advertisements 6 of 7 Media Convergence when audiences use one platform to consume various types of media texts 7 of 7
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