GCSE Religious Education Keywords Revision. 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesChristianityIslamGCSEAll boards Created by: SantathebutterflyCreated on: 22-10-18 16:54 Trinity God is the Father, Son and The Holy spirit 1 of 45 Incarnation To take on Flesh 2 of 45 Salvation Deliverance from sin and its consequences 3 of 45 Atonement Making God and Humanity at one again 4 of 45 Eschatology Death and the afterlife 5 of 45 Moral Evil Actions done by humans which cause suffering 6 of 45 Natural Evil Things which cause suffering but have nothing to do with humans 7 of 45 Tawhid The oneness of God 8 of 45 Qur'an The Muslim holy book 9 of 45 Risalah Belief in Prophethood 10 of 45 Malaikah Belief in Angels 11 of 45 Al-Qadr Belief in pre-destination 12 of 45 Akhirah Belief in the afterlife 13 of 45 Jannah Paradise 14 of 45 Jahannam Hell 15 of 45 Marriage A legal union of two people in a relationship who are committed to each other 16 of 45 Faithfulness Staying with your marriage partner and only having sex with them 17 of 45 Promiscuity Having sex with a number of partners without commitment 18 of 45 Adultery A sexual act between a married person and someone other than their marriage partner 19 of 45 Divorce A legal termination of a marriage 20 of 45 Contraception Intentionally preventing pregnancy from occurring 21 of 45 Nuclear Family Mother, father and children living together as one unit 22 of 45 Discrimination Treating someone less favourably because of their ethnicity/gender/class Etc. 23 of 45 Fitrah All are born with a nature that is pure 24 of 45 Haram Forbidden 25 of 45 Halal Permitted 26 of 45 Deterrance A punishment so severe it puts people off committing the crime 27 of 45 Retribution The idea that criminals should pay for what they had done wrong 28 of 45 Reform The idea that punishments should try to change criminals so that they will not commit crimes again 29 of 45 Worship Expressing love, respect and devotion to God 30 of 45 Sacrament An outward sign of an inward blessing 31 of 45 Baptism A Christian ceremony welcoming a person into the church community 32 of 45 Eucharist A service of thanksgiving in which Christians Reflect on Jesus' last supper 33 of 45 Prayer A way of communicating 34 of 45 Pilgrimage A special journey to a place of religious significance 35 of 45 Advent The season where Christians prepare for the coming of Jesus and the celebration of Christmas 36 of 45 Missionary A Christian who devotes their time to spreading the Gospel and message of God 37 of 45 Shahadah Declaration of faith 38 of 45 Salah Daily act of prayer 39 of 45 Sawm Fasting during the month of Ramadan 40 of 45 Zakah Annual payment to be give to charity 41 of 45 Khums Annual 20% tax which id used to help orphanages, schools and mosques 42 of 45 Jihad Means to strive, to struggle and to persevere 43 of 45 Hajj Pilgrimage to Mecca 44 of 45 Laylat al-Qadr A night to remember when Prophet Muhammad first received the revelation of the Qur'an 45 of 45
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