GCSE Edexcel Music Electric Counterpoint 0.0 / 5 ? MusicSteve ReichGCSEEdexcel Created by: Phoebe_LynchCreated on: 09-04-15 09:22 1987 Year it was first performed 1 of 36 Amplified The soloist is ______ in order to play over the backing track 2 of 36 Panning Where the music can be selected to come out the left or right speaker 3 of 36 Fast 192bpm Tempo 4 of 36 Tonally ambiguous Where the listener is unsure of the tonality at the beginning of the piece 5 of 36 Layering Minimalist feature where each part is place over one another 6 of 36 Hexatonic Where only 6 pitches of the scale are used 7 of 36 Resultant melody A minimalist feature where notes from different layers form a melody 8 of 36 3/2 Time signature 9 of 36 Canonic Where the guitar melodies are similar and play after one another 10 of 36 E minor in Aeolian mode Tonality of the piece (when bass guitars confirm it in their entrance) 11 of 36 Diatonic Harmony is... 12 of 36 Note addition Minimalist feature where notes are added into the melody, seen clearly in guitar 3 between bars 10 and 16 13 of 36 Polyphonic/Contrapuntal/Counterpoint Texture 14 of 36 Ostinati/riffs The melody is based on... 15 of 36 Cells One bar riffs in minimalism are called... 16 of 36 Minimalism The style of music 17 of 36 Syncopation Where notes are played off the beat 18 of 36 Michael Oldfield and Philip Glass Other minimalist composers 19 of 36 7 guitars, 2 bass guitars and a live guitar Instrumentation 20 of 36 Pre-recorded The 7 guitars and 2 bass guitars are... 21 of 36 Push rhythm Where notes come before the beat, with a rest in front 22 of 36 Bar 1 The 1st motif is heard first in the guitar 1 part at bar... 23 of 36 Bar 24 The 2nd motif is heard first in the bass guitar parts at bar... 24 of 36 Bar 36 The 3rd motif is heard first in the live guitar part at bar... 25 of 36 Fades The most dynamic variation comes from... 26 of 36 C minor Contrasting key 27 of 36 12/8 Contrasting metre 28 of 36 p-ff Dynamic range 29 of 36 Polymetre The layering of different metres 30 of 36 Stressing a different beat of the bar The effect of changing time signatures 31 of 36 5, 6, 7 and the 2 bass guitars The guitars that drop out at bar 114 32 of 36 Loops Another name for the riffs/ostanati in minimalism 33 of 36 1, live, 3, 2, 4, bass guitars, 5, 6, 7 The order the guitars come in 34 of 36 Multi-tracked How the texture is created 35 of 36 Interviewing rhythms What causes the texture to seem constantly shifting 36 of 36
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