GCSE Geography River Glossary 4.5 / 5 based on 5 ratings ? GeographyWater and riversGCSEEdexcel Created by: SadiaCreated on: 04-11-12 15:15 Where two rivers meet and join to form one larger river Confluence 1 of 10 The area of land drained by a river and its tributaries Drainage Basin 2 of 10 The point at which a river begins to meet the sea. Estuary 3 of 10 The study of water Hydrology 4 of 10 The downward movement of water that seeps into the soil or a porous rock. Infiltration 5 of 10 The end of the river, where it meets the sea, or a lake Mouth 6 of 10 When water flows over the surface of the ground Overland Flow 7 of 10 the movement of water with in the soil sideways, towards the river Throughflow 8 of 10 The water loss from vegetation into the atmosphere Transpiration 9 of 10 rivers running into the main one, that form part of the same drainage basin system Tributaries 10 of 10
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