GCSE History - Germany-the rise of Hitler 1919-1934 4.5 / 5 based on 10 ratings ? HistoryThe interwar years in EuropeGCSEAll boards Created by: Lucy Emily GrantCreated on: 11-06-12 14:57 Results of the Treaty of Versailles? (Tip: a baby sheep) Land, army, money, blame 1 of 11 What is the name for the money Germany had to pay for the damage caused? Reparations 2 of 11 What is the name of the German parliament? Reichstag 3 of 11 What was the name of the new currency introduced to Germany and what year? Rentenmark 1924 4 of 11 What was the name of the plan where America lended money to Germany? Dawes plan 5 of 11 In what year and country was Hitler born? Austria 1889 6 of 11 What was the name of the uprising Hitler led and what year? Munich putsch 1923 7 of 11 What book did Hitler write in prison? Mein kampf 8 of 11 What armed force was set up to support the Nazis? SA 9 of 11 Who was in charge of propaganda? Goebbels 10 of 11 When was the night of long knives? 1934 11 of 11
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