GCSE Music Area of Study 1 and 2 Edexcel GCSE Music - Area of Study 1 and 2 4.5 / 5 based on 21 ratings ? MusicHandelGCSEAll boards Created by: MelCreated on: 08-05-12 21:58 What are the dates of Baroque Period? 1600-1750 1 of 21 In what year did Handel write Messiah? 1741 2 of 21 What instrument normally plays the basso continuo? Harpsichord 3 of 21 What are the dates of Classical period? 1750-1830 4 of 21 What texture does Classical music usually have? Homophonic 5 of 21 In what key is Symphony No. 40 written? G minor 6 of 21 What is the interval between the first two notes of the first subject? A semitone 7 of 21 What are the dates of Romantic period? 1800-1900 8 of 21 In what key is Section A of the Prelude in? D♭ major 9 of 21 What does the word Peripetie mean in English? Sudden reversal 10 of 21 What is atonal music? Music that is not in any particular key 11 of 21 For what ensemble is Peripetie written? Large orchestra 12 of 21 What is a hexachord? A set of six pitches 13 of 21 Who wrote Electric Counterpoint? Steve Reich 14 of 21 In what year was Electric Counterpoint written? 1987 15 of 21 How many guitars in total are used in Electric counterpoint? 7 guitars 16 of 21 What does diatonic mean? Major or minor keys 17 of 21 What is a hook? Musical idea which catches people's attention 18 of 21 What is a libretto in a musical? The overall text 19 of 21 Where was the first performance of West Side Story? New York 20 of 21 What is the interval between to the two notes on the words 'Could' and 'be' in 'Something's Coming'? Third 21 of 21