GCSE Rivers Glossary Part 1

  • Created by: Abigail
  • Created on: 09-09-12 10:16
the pebbles being transported wear away the bed and banks of the river channel
1 of 15
rock particles (clay, silt, sand and gravel) deposited by a river
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The particles are knocked about as they are transported, and they gradually become more rounded and reduced in size
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the material carried by a river by being bounced or rolled along its bed
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the point at which rivers meet
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a river mouth choked with sediment causing the main channel to split into smaller branching channels or distributaries
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the amount of water passing a specific point at a given time. This become larger downstream as a result of the joining of many tributaries. It is calculated as: cross-sectional area x velocity, and measured in cubic metres per second (m³/sec).
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Drainage Basin
the land that is drained by a river and its tributaries
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the wearing away of the bed and banks of the river channel by abrasion, hydraulic action, solution and attrition
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the tidal mouth of a river, with large, flat expanses of mud exposed at low tide
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high nitrate levels combined with phosphates cause excessive plant and algae growth, a deteriorating process that results in loss of oxygen and the biological death of the river
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Flood Plain
the wide, flat floor of a river valley. It consists of sediments (alluvium) deposited by the river
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a steep-sided, narrow rocky valley marking the retreat of a waterfall
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Hydraulic Action
The sheer force of the water by itself can erode material from the bed and banks of the river channel
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Interlocking Spurs
As the river descends from the highland, it begins to meander between spurs which interlock down the valley
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


rock particles (clay, silt, sand and gravel) deposited by a river



Card 3


The particles are knocked about as they are transported, and they gradually become more rounded and reduced in size


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Card 4


the material carried by a river by being bounced or rolled along its bed


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Card 5


the point at which rivers meet


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Amy Bold


Thanks for these. Brilliant material for revision!

Mr A Gibson


This is part one of two sets of cards that you could use together. Between them they offer over 30 terms that a competent student may use in their exam answers - specialist vocabulary is important.

Part 1 - this resource

Part 2 - Access this here

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