GCSE Rivers Glossary Part 2

  • Created by: Abigail
  • Created on: 09-09-12 10:25
river embankments built by deposition as the river floods
1 of 15
Lower course
the section of the river near the sea, where deposition is the most important process and the valley becomes wider and flatter
2 of 15
a bend in a river. The outside of the meander has the fastest flow and deepest watera bend in a river. The outside of the meander has the fastest flow and deepest water
3 of 15
Middle Course
the section of the river between the mountains and the lowland, where transport of eroded material is important and the river begins to cut sideways due to the reducing gradient
4 of 15
where a river ends, at a lake or the sea
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Ox-bow Lake
a meander which has been cut off from the main river channel and abandoned
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the cross-section of the river, from its source to its mouth, concave in shape
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found where the river meets a band of resistant rock and usually precede a waterfall
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River Cliff
created on the outside of a meander bend by the erosive effect of fast-flowing water
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material bounced along the bed of the river
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The settling out of suspended particles from a body of water
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Slip-Off Slope
forms on the inside of a meander bend as a result of deposition in the slower flowing water
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some rocks such as limestone are subject to chemical attack and slowly dissolve in the water
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where a river starts, usually in the mountains
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Suspended Load
very small and light material, usually fine clay and silt, transported by the river in suspension
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Card 2


the section of the river near the sea, where deposition is the most important process and the valley becomes wider and flatter


Lower course

Card 3


a bend in a river. The outside of the meander has the fastest flow and deepest watera bend in a river. The outside of the meander has the fastest flow and deepest water


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Card 4


the section of the river between the mountains and the lowland, where transport of eroded material is important and the river begins to cut sideways due to the reducing gradient


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Card 5


where a river ends, at a lake or the sea


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Mr A Gibson


This is part two of two sets of cards that you could use together. Between them they offer over 30 terms that a competent student may use in their exam answers - specialist vocabulary is important.

Part 1 - Access this here

Part 2 - This resource



yo yo



really helpful!

Former Member


Levees are built by people, not deposition!

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