gdr ; dev state 61-85 ; national identity ; sports 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryGDRA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: ilovetheofficeCreated on: 07-05-18 12:33 could develop key pride but could also do which two other things? improve well-being / workplace productivity 1 of 55 SPORT AS MASS PARTICIPATION ACTIVITY DHD 2 of 55 why and effective method of bringing ppl under regume? ctrlled by SED + not overtly political 3 of 55 by '82 how many egermans belonged to a sports club? 3.3m 4 of 55 which 3 were most popular? football / fishing / gumnastics 5 of 55 and these were all part of which SED umbrella org? German Gymnastics and Sports Association 6 of 55 in '80 over how many sporting festivals? 28,000 7 of 55 what were childrens ones called? spartakaiden 8 of 55 festivals had high participation rate as well as what things? chess / rambling / walking 9 of 55 when did DTSB conduct surveys whch ware telling of pps attitudes? mid''80s 10 of 55 when asked why ppd in sports which % gave appropriate answer? 14% 11 of 55 what % responded 'because its fun'? 80% 12 of 55 poor what sometimes dampened enthusiasm? investment like nasty swimming pools 13 of 55 INTERNATIONAL SPORT DFFG 14 of 55 what was the first year the GDR and FRG had separate olympic teams? '68 15 of 55 what was GDR team referred to? 'east germany' 16 of 55 while FRG? 'germany' 17 of 55 by which olympics were the GDR fully recognised with own flag + anthem? '72 munich 18 of 55 in '68 games where did GDR place? 6th 19 of 55 with who leading the table? USA / USSR 20 of 55 by montreal in '76 where did gdr place? 2nd 21 of 55 behind? ussr 22 of 55 in '80 egermany won how many of the 13 gold medals for womens' swimming? 11 23 of 55 with how many of those new world records? 6 24 of 55 marita koch set workd records at which metres? 100 / 200 / 400 25 of 55 set world cup record for women's 400m in world cup team event in what year? '85 26 of 55 and ran distance in how many seconds thats unlikely to ever be beaten? 47.60s 27 of 55 impressive performance due to extreme emphasis SED placed on what? identifying talented children @ young age and focusing on sports seen most likey to result in large number of medals 28 of 55 prospective sportsmen and women sent to elite schools nd talented players allocated to wokr as coaches in how may specially designated sports clubs/ 30 29 of 55 schools enforced strict discipine as well as? intensive political indoctrination 30 of 55 by mid-70s how many places in specialist sport schools? 10,000 31 of 55 and highly regarded institution in leipzig dedicated to what> training sports instructors 32 of 55 when was DTSB formed? '57 33 of 55 who did it wokr with to produce plans and reports to assist with planning sports provision? FDJ / SED 34 of 55 submitted directly to who? Politburo 35 of 55 which org also had a role in sport? stasi 36 of 55 SED sent spies to FRG to do what? ontain info on sports training programmes 37 of 55 and extensive network of informers monitored what? political reliability of sportsmen / women 38 of 55 when GDR teams competed internationally often accompanied by? stasi officers 39 of 55 at these events GDR players not permitted to do what? interact with those from west 40 of 55 much of success based off? womens sports 41 of 55 what is amateur status? idela sportsmen / women should compete for glory not money / professionals who made money banned / had to be employed to cmopete 42 of 55 when was this requirement scrapped? '88 43 of 55 why was this rule often disadvantage to western female athletes? had to work / support fam and train 44 of 55 egerman female athletes able to do what? devote all time to training supported by state 45 of 55 aided progress by systematic = comprehensive programme involving? illegal performance enhancing drugs 46 of 55 org by SED who administered drugs w/o? explanation of what they were exacly 47 of 55 who now lives as a man? heidi krieger 48 of 55 what was her sport? shot put 49 of 55 what was she given regukar dises if? anabolic steroids . birth ctrl pills 50 of 55 from late '70s wht often damaged international recognition of east germans success? performance drugs accusations 51 of 55 when were records released? post-reunification 52 of 55 sporting sucecsses provided focus for? national pride 53 of 55 but effectiveenss hampered by? popular resentment @ priveliges given 54 of 55 what about them was partcularly resented? ability to go abroad 55 of 55
gdr ; dev state 61-85 ; extent eco-stability ;increased economic production (inc. consumer goods) 0.0 / 5
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