gdr ; est rule ; success eco development '49-'61 ; industrial devs 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryGDRA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: ilovetheofficeCreated on: 05-05-18 14:44 FIRST FIVE-YEAR PLAN DFGDF 1 of 44 date? '51-'55 2 of 44 what party congress resulted in this? 3rd 3 of 44 when? july '50 4 of 44 why? emph need for industrial progress 5 of 44 plan introduced what? centralised state planning 6 of 44 with high production quotas for? heavy industry 7 of 44 first 5yp accelerated move to? nationalisation of industry 8 of 44 industries + factories taen over and formed into? people's enterprises 9 of 44 process covered what % industrial sector? 75% 10 of 44 private sector severely reduced to only cover? small-scale often highly specialist production 11 of 44 plan emphasised expansion of what thing that stalin owuld ****** marry if he could? heavy industry 12 of 44 but tried to achieve this with severe shortages of? tech / equipment 13 of 44 part solution to meet targets by increasing? labour productivity 14 of 44 plan launched with fanfare of? propaganda 15 of 44 which miner used as role model? adolf hennecke 16 of 44 celebrated by sed as communist hero that increased his daily coal output to nearly what %? 400% 17 of 44 first 5yp produced significant increases in production of which 4 thingS? lignite / electric / iron / cement 18 of 44 which productions fell long short of targets/ coal / steel 19 of 44 workers under these plans put under immense pressure to? work hard / long hours 20 of 44 this paired with lack of what led to disatisfaction with gov? consumer goods 21 of 44 pressures plans led to exodus gdr to? frg 22 of 44 insufficient investment in? modern tech 23 of 44 and overemphasis in? quantity over quality 24 of 44 SECOND FIVE-YEAR PLAN DFGDFG 25 of 44 years? '56-'59 26 of 44 what was the title? 'modernisation, mechanisation and automation' 27 of 44 focus more on which two things? consumer goods / inc living standards 28 of 44 under this plan first nuclear reactor in gdr activated in? '57 29 of 44 management of economy went under major reform in? feb '58 30 of 44 centralised control tightened by sed when what happened? transferred large number industrial ministres to state planning commission 31 of 44 accompanied by further acceleration in? nationalisation in industry 32 of 44 SED offered entrepreneurs what % partnership incentive for transforming firms into People's Enterprises? 50% 33 of 44 @ end '60 private industry was what % total indstrial production? 9% 34 of 44 for small-scale producers (often workships) what was formed? Production Co-operatives 35 of 44 brought what fraction of craft-workers under state control by '60? 1/3 36 of 44 rise from what % in '58? 6% 37 of 44 what proclamation of ulbricht's in '58 ed to plan abandoned? need to overtake frg 38 of 44 and what was launched in '59? 7yp 39 of 44 intergrating gdr economy more with? ussr economy 40 of 44 ambitious targets included increases of almost what % in consumer goods? 200% 41 of 44 and led to ulbricht's stupid assumption that what would happen? gdr overtae frg in next few yrs 42 of 44 claim encouraged by which khrushchev announcement? that the GDR would overtake the USA 43 of 44 impact on living standards undermined by attempts to increase worker productivity by hwat %? 80% 44 of 44
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