Civil rights Movement, Second wave feminism, gay and lesbian liberation
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Sexuality is not merely...
instictual & individualistic , not simply a biological process
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Defining Sexuality
Series, or sets of Sensations, Feelings, Thoughts, Desires, & Actions. Relative to geographic, cultural, and temporal settings. Intimate and personal. Neither static nor unchanging.
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How to Historicize?
1) Consider Multiple dimensions constitute sexuality 2) Re-evaluate Categories used to organize understanding of sexuality/sexualities.
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Five Dimensions of Sexuality
DESIRES: What do I want? BEHAVIOURS: What do I do? IDENTITIES: Who am I? COMMUNITIES: What group do I identify with? MOVEMENTS: In what struggle for change am I after?
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Refers to the body; ‘Fixed’ biological sex (body; e.g. genitals; chromosomes) Woman and Man; Female and Male: Traditional dichotomized view of sex
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Socially and culturally ‘constructed’ ideas of what makes one a woman or a man
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Feminine or Masculine
Dichotomized view of what ‘female’ and ‘male’ looks like Perceived or real personality characteristics or behaviours
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Not a sexual orientation: TG people, like anyone else, may have any sexual orientation. CRUCIAL to note: Not all TG people identify as such.
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Real, fixed essence of being Fixed properties give parameters to entity (defines us) Essentialism in opposition to difference A “real” man does …… a “real” woman is…. Critics of essentialism: no transhistorical core of desire.
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Social constructionism
Sexuality produced in social relationships & institutions. Production of sexuality articulated in culture. “Essence” itself, an historical construction. Self-evident categories ‘woman’ or ‘man’ complicated discursive practices. Concerned with p
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Varieties of Constructionism
Demography Economy Technology Religion Society and social institutions (schools, prisons) Culture and discourse (advertising, music, images) Gender Class Race and ethnicity
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Five Dimensions of Sexuality
DESIRES: What do I want? BEHAVIOURS: What do I do? IDENTITIES: Who am I? COMMUNITIES: What group do I identify with? MOVEMENTS: In what struggle for change am I after
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Feminism(s) Theoretical Contemporary political concerns/identities ‘Problem’ of evidence
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Social theory and Political Practice : Equality of women central to its goal. TARGETS social change. Activism for overturning women’s subordination to men. Dangerous oversimplification: Male oppression; Female victimization.
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Different Types of Feminism
Liberal Feminism: Legislative change; remove barriers. Ignores difference. Radical Feminism: Change at core; patriarchy, not law alone Oppression of women cuts across boundaries. Cultural Feminism: Fundamental biological differences Non-po
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Discourses ?
Ways of talking about sex
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Deployment of power
who has sexual power? How is it expressed?
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Discursive Fields : Relationship between ....
Language Social Institutions Subjectivity Power
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
instictual & individualistic , not simply a biological process
Sexuality is not merely...
Card 3
Series, or sets of Sensations, Feelings, Thoughts, Desires, & Actions. Relative to geographic, cultural, and temporal settings. Intimate and personal. Neither static nor unchanging.
Card 4
1) Consider Multiple dimensions constitute sexuality 2) Re-evaluate Categories used to organize understanding of sexuality/sexualities.
Card 5
DESIRES: What do I want? BEHAVIOURS: What do I do? IDENTITIES: Who am I? COMMUNITIES: What group do I identify with? MOVEMENTS: In what struggle for change am I after?
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