Gender Inequalities

  • Created by: Woolf123
  • Created on: 06-05-19 15:14
Work and Employment- Gender inequality (The Guardian)
As of April 2018, the Gender Wage Gap stood to be a median of 9.8%, with 8/10 companies admitting that they pay men more than they pay women
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Work and Employment- Gender Inequality (UK Feminista)
Up to 30,000 women are sacked each year for being pregnant and 440,000 lose out on pay or promotion as a result of pregnancy
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Work and Employment- Gender Inequality (Kings Fund)
Despite 66% of public sector care jobs being filled by women, only 35% hold leadership positions
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Poverty- Gender Inequality (Callender)
Links women in poverty to work and employment, arguing that as women are more likely to work in temporary, part-time jobs, they are more susceptible to poverty
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Poverty- Gender Inequality (Prudential 2011)
According to a survey of more than 10,000 adults, one in four women will be living in the poverty line when they retire, compared to 12% of men
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Poverty- Gender Inequality (Women's Budget Group)
Contend that mothers will frequently go without food, clothing and warmth in order to protect their children and partners from the full impact on an inadequate income
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Family- Gender Inequality (The Fawcett Society 2011)
Found that women in full employment spend nearly 30% more time on childcare than men
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Family- Gender Inequality (Denscombe and Marsden)
Argue that women do a 'triple shift' of paid work, housework/childcare and emotional work
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Family- Gender Inequality (Oakley)
Oakley argues that women are socialised into obedience within the family, reinforcing gender inequality
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Education- Gender Inequality (ONS)
GCSE results consistently over a number of years show that girls in the UK gain more A*-C grades compared to boys
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Education- Gender Inequality (Government data)
Shows that boys are twice as likely to have a special educational need and twice as likely to have literacy problems. They are also four times more likely to be excluded from school
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Education- Gender Inequality (Department of Education 2008)
Figures since 2008 have shown that white working class boys are the largest underachieving group in education
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Card 2


Up to 30,000 women are sacked each year for being pregnant and 440,000 lose out on pay or promotion as a result of pregnancy


Work and Employment- Gender Inequality (UK Feminista)

Card 3


Despite 66% of public sector care jobs being filled by women, only 35% hold leadership positions


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Card 4


Links women in poverty to work and employment, arguing that as women are more likely to work in temporary, part-time jobs, they are more susceptible to poverty


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Card 5


According to a survey of more than 10,000 adults, one in four women will be living in the poverty line when they retire, compared to 12% of men


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