What is the Barron and Norris Dual Labour Market Theory?
Women are confined to the secondary labour sector due to cultural myths about their unsuitability for the primary sector
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What is Hartnett's support?
Some employees believe women are less dependable, male workers don't like taking orders from females, less need of a payrise due to husbands and often needs breaks for childcare
2 of 8
A functionalist perspective of Parsons
seperate gender roles are beneficial for society because women are naturally better at expressive roles and men at insturmental roles
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Liberal feminist perspective of Oakley
Subordination in labour market due to socialisation and stereotypes
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Radical feminist perspective of Stanko
Sexual harrassment is common at work and men use intimidation
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Radical feminist perspective of Brownmiller
Sexual abuse and violence benefits men which means all men gain power
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Marxist feminist perspective of Benston
Capitalism makes women work for free e.g. house work and creating next generation of capitalist workers
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Marxist feminist perspective of Ansley
Women soak up frustration of men through violence - benefitting capitalism
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Card 2
What is Hartnett's support?
Some employees believe women are less dependable, male workers don't like taking orders from females, less need of a payrise due to husbands and often needs breaks for childcare
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