gender ; influence of culture and the media
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- Created by: ilovetheoffice
- Created on: 29-05-18 14:22
1 of 85
cross-cultural research is noted for its valuable contribution to what debate in GENDER?
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for instance what may we conclude if particular gender-role appears consistent across cultures?
innate biological difference
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if we find gender-role bejaviours to be cultrally specific ehe might assume?
shared norms and socialisation influence
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- cultural differences
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one of the earliest cross-cultural gender role studies was carreid out by who?
margaret mead
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of tribal groups on waht island?
new guinea
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what were the three tribes?
arapesh / mundugomor / tchambuli
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arapesh were what?
gentle and responsive
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similar to western stereotype of?
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and mundugumor similar to western stereotype of masculinity how?
aggressive and hostile
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which gender in tchambuli were dominant and organised village life?
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and men were?
passive and decorative
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what does this suggest about sex and gender?
may not be direct biological relationship
14 of 85
and instead gender roles are?
culturall determined
15 of 85
in later work mead conceded what about herself?
underestimated universal nature of many gendertypical behaviours
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however still went on to argue?
extent to which innate behaviours are expressed are laregely result of cultural norms
17 of 85
cultural similarities
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buss looked at how many countries across all continents?
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an found consistent patterns in?
mate preference
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in all cultures women looked for men who could offer?
wealth and resources
21 of 85
while men looked for?
youth and physical attractiveness
22 of 85
also munroe and munroe found what about division of labour in most societies?
organised along gender lines
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:( criticisms of mead
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research criticised of observer bias wy?
not separating own opinions from description fo samoan like
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and for making sweeping generalisations based on?
relatively short period of sutyd
27 of 85
freeman was highly critical and did what decades after the og inv?
conducted a follow-up study
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he argued mead's findings were flawed wh?
she was misled by some pps
29 of 85
and preconceptions influenced what?
reading of events
30 of 85
but freeman's account has also been challenged why?
supporting own theoretical viewpt
31 of 85
:( imposed etic
32 of 85
cross0cultural research tupically undertaken by?
western researchers
33 of 85
taking who to be object of stud?
indigenous pops
34 of 85
danger that researchers with western dev theories + methods do what?
impose own cultural interests and understanding on ppl stuying
35 of 85
what is an imposed eitc?
ide western ways doing research is universal
36 of 85
berry advocates inclusion of what in rsrch ream?
@ least one local
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as a way of guarding against?
38 of 85
which cross-cultural researcher actually did this?
39 of 85
and what was his research thing?
the looking for mates one
40 of 85
:( nature or nurture
41 of 85
cross cultural research can provide insight into what?
diff cultural practices impacting gender-role behaviour
42 of 85
but doesn't do what?
solve ature nurture
43 of 85
in reality its practically and theoretically impossible to do wat?
separate two influences on dev gender roles
44 of 85
as soon as children born what starts?
socialisation and gender-role expectations
45 of 85
its likely that what influences dev of gender role?
complex and constant interaction between nature and nurture
46 of 85
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media provide what for children?
role models
48 of 85
children likely to select role models that do what?
are same sex and engage in gender-appropriate behavioir
49 of 85
- rigid stereotypes
50 of 85
evidence that media do provide what?
v clear gender stereotupes
51 of 85
furnham and farragher did a stidy on what?
tv adverts
52 of 85
and found men more likley show in?
autonomous professional roles
53 of 85
and women more often seen?
familial roles in domestic setting
54 of 85
this suggests what about media?
may play role in reinforcing widespread social stereotupes of gender
55 of 85
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also evidence children who have more exposure to popular media tend to displya what?
more gender-tupical views in behav / attitudes
57 of 85
media doesn't ust confirm gender-typical behaviour but also?
give info to males and females in terms of likely success of adopting behavioirs
58 of 85
seeing others perform gender-appropriate behaviours increases child's belief that?
they're capabe of carrying out such behavioirs in the future
59 of 85
with what bandura called?
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61 of 85
:( correlation > causation
62 of 85
difficult to establish what with emdia studies?
63 of 85
may just be that media output does what?
reflects prevailing socil norms
64 of 85
but it may also be that the media causes norms by doing what?
depicting men / women in certain ways
65 of 85
vast majority of children exposed to media regularly so what aren't always available?
control groups for comparison
66 of 85
this comparison would make what easier?
direction establish
67 of 85
what study though is good in this sense?
notel study
68 of 85
- the notel study
69 of 85
williams et al went to the BC town and nicknamed it notel why?
no media
70 of 85
researchers carried out extensive surveys of town to assess what?
behaviour and attitudes prior to intro tv
71 of 85
also collected similar data from other two neighbouring towns called?
unitel / multitel
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why unitel?
access to 1 tv channel
73 of 85
and multitel?
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after how long well all three surveyed again?
75 of 85
williams et al notice what amon gchildren of three towns?
gender-stereotypical attitudes
76 of 85
@ start of study which two towns displayed fewer sextyped views / behaviour?
notel / unitel
77 of 85
at end evidence of stereotypes increased for children of?
78 of 85
therefore this sutdy provides good suport for?
media influences
79 of 85
:( counter-stereotypes
80 of 85
in recent years there have been many examples of what in media?
81 of 85
which challenge what?
traditional masculinity femininity nitions
82 of 85
pingree found what about gender stereotyping?
reduced when kids shown tv adverts of non-stereotypical roles for women
83 of 85
but also found whose stereotypes became stronger when exposed to non-traditional models?
pre-adolescent boys
84 of 85
this backlash may be explained how?
boys desire to maintain view that ran counter to adults
85 of 85
Other cards in this set
Card 2
cross-cultural research is noted for its valuable contribution to what debate in GENDER?
Card 3
for instance what may we conclude if particular gender-role appears consistent across cultures?

Card 4
if we find gender-role bejaviours to be cultrally specific ehe might assume?

Card 5
- cultural differences

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