The characteristics that a society or culture defines as masculine or feminine. It also refers to an individual's sense of being male or female.
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gender identity
The first stage in Kohlberg's cognitive explanation of gender development. A child reaches this at age 2 and can label their own and others gender, based on external appearances.
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gender stability
Second stage in Kohlberg's cognitive explanation of gender development. Occurs at 4 years. Children know gender is consistent across time but not situation.
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gender constancy
Kohlberg's third stage of the cognitive explanation of gender development. Begins at 6+ years and a child has a complete understanding of gender.
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gender identity disorder
Where a person has strong, persistent feelings of identification with the opposite gender and discomfort with their biological sex. People often dress and use mannerisms associated with the gender they feel they are.
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gender roles
based on stereotypes regarding masculine and feminine behaviour, based of societies norms.
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Klinefelter's syndrome
atypical sex chromosome pattern XXY - affects males only, around 1 in 1000
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female hormone that promotes the development of secondary sexual characteristics, and directs the menstrual cycle.
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often called the 'love' hormone as it promotes feelings of bonding and attachment in both men and women, however it is usually higher in women. Released during labour and when breastfeeding to help the mother bond with her baby.
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refers to the biological differences between males ands females, e.g. chromosomes, reproductive organs, etc
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sex-role stereotypes
the shared expectations within a society or group regarding what is appropriate behaviour for men and women. Stereotypes are fixed beliefs about a particular group of people and the roles are the behaviours they are expected to show.
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sex hormone, presented in males in larger quantities and affects behaviour and development before and after birth. Is released in the womb at 7 weeks and causes the development of male sex organs and other primary sex characteristics.
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Turner's syndrome
atypical sex chromosome pattern XO - affects women only, around 1 in 2000
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having an equal balance of both male and female characteristics
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
The first stage in Kohlberg's cognitive explanation of gender development. A child reaches this at age 2 and can label their own and others gender, based on external appearances.
gender identity
Card 3
Second stage in Kohlberg's cognitive explanation of gender development. Occurs at 4 years. Children know gender is consistent across time but not situation.
Card 4
Kohlberg's third stage of the cognitive explanation of gender development. Begins at 6+ years and a child has a complete understanding of gender.
Card 5
Where a person has strong, persistent feelings of identification with the opposite gender and discomfort with their biological sex. People often dress and use mannerisms associated with the gender they feel they are.
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