General keywords crossword 0.0 / 5 ? Physical EducationGeneral keywordsASAQA Created by: Jasmina BuronCreated on: 11-06-18 10:56 Time take to initiate a response to a given stimulus Reaction time 1 of 10 A balanced and effective interaction of movement or body actions Coordination 2 of 10 A state of stability achieved by keeping the centre of mass over or within the base of support Balance 3 of 10 Ability to sustain stressful physical exertion for a period of time Ability 4 of 10 Amount of work done per unit of time or the rate at which we apply strength Power 5 of 10 Range of movement possible at joint Flexibility 6 of 10 A state of mental, physical and social wellbeing not merely the absence of disease of infirmity Health 7 of 10 Ability to sustain stressful physical exertion for a period of time Stamina 8 of 10 The rate at which the body is moved from one place to another Speed 9 of 10 The condition of being physically fit and healthy Fitness 10 of 10
Key vocab and Keywords:AS: Skeletal and muscular systems and cardiovascular and respiratory systems 0.0 / 5
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